- Instruct employees to adopt certain behaviours and values (e.g. 'integrity') whilst the senior team do not model those very behaviours themselves.
- Not think through the consequences of knee-jerk cost cutting such as insisting that budget out-of-own hotels are used and then wonder why taxi (be it Uber) bills have soared.
- Communicate via PPT which does not enable grammar nor syntax which is essential to the nuances of running a business and is the basis of effective human communication.
- Allow employees to park in visitor slots.
- Hold meetings with more than three people.
- Provide a gym and a creche but build a culture that destroys work-life balance.
- Provide free soda.
- Allow people to use e-mail without any training in distraction management nor deep work.
- Think the cool mission statement is the strategic plan.
- Recruit quickly, without skill and seeking 'tick-box' CVs.
- Think the latest social media 'thing' is a marketing communications strategy.
- Provide free beer the night before the kick-off conference.
- Believe all employees want to climb the 'corporate ladder'.
- Reduce prices to win deals.
- Deliver lunch to desks.
- Wait for up to 3 months to give performance feedback.
- Fail to understand people are motivated by feeling valued.
- Copy-exactly-the competitors.
- Allow nobody to own, take and execute a decision themselves.
- Fill days with conference calls, e-mail and coffee runs.
- Have an enormous gap between corporate PR and in-the-field reality.
- Not stop. And think.
Bonus 1: Hunter-Gatherer 21 Century, Two Score & Ten
Bonus 2: 22 Things to do on Planet Earth
Bonus 3: 22 Ways to Feel Better, More of the Time.
Bonus 4: 22 Things They Still Don't Teach You at Business School
Bonus 6: Slow 22
Bonus 7: The 22 Steps to Getting What You Want in 2016
Bonus 8: The Fundamental Problems with Powerpoint. Still. 22
Bonus 9: 22 Ways to be an Awesome Conference Speaker
Bonus 10: Love Presenting Hate (Badly Used) PowerPoint
Bonus 11: The 22 Fundamental Errors Large Organisations Still Make.
Bonus 12: Brilliant at the Basics of Business
Bonus 13: Routes to Less Stress 22
Bonus 14: That Other F Word
Bonus 15: What's Wrong with The Typical Corporate Selling Machine, 11
Bonus 16: 22 Reasons 79% of any Workforce is Woefully Unproductive
Bonus 17: 22 Ways To Create a Small, Simple, Start-Up.
Bonus 18: 22 Ways to Get Better at Anything
Bonus 19: 22 Routes to Becoming Unstoppable.
Bonus 20: Re-boot 22