Sure they can manage a mouse, start a car and hold a venti americano to go.
But can they throw a ball, bake bread, wield a paintbrush, manage a spade and double-dig a plot of garden? Can they put up a fence post, calm a horse, create a block for row one of an igloo? Can they massage, soft, slow, vigorous, hard? Can they balance a giant tome in an ancient library while flicking through pages? Can they 'palm off' a punch, pull off a cart-wheel or even do a hand-stand walk? Can they start a camp fire from wood and friction, skin a rabbit, build a rope bridge? Can they knit, pot and do sign-language?
Can they support a life lived long, wide and deep?
Hands: the greatest tool planet Earth has seen. Use them to the full: get out of your head more often.
(22 Things to do on Planet Earth)