« Spring Semester Revision Notes, 1 thru 9 |
| Just Read It... »
- Of a full moon with clouds occasionally breaking your trance as they move into view.
- Better, as you remove the cr*p from your desk-top.
- Of looking up from a book and thinking...wow, never thought about it like that before.
- Of love as we grow.
- Many: of that Rubik's cube he'd annoyingly stepped on in the middle of the night.
- Through the oven door as the birthday cake perfects itself.
- Typed letter or hand-written note?
- She asked him for some on that first date in that far-too-quiet restaurant she had mistakenly booked.
- Of those white cliffs. Sure of Dover. As you head for France the old way.
- Of Le Marais with a girl you love.
- Here, There and Everywhere by The Beatles.
- Does the soup need more seasoning?