I run a variety of workshops and speak at a lot of conferences. Questions come up....such as...
I'm kinda shocked you're not on Facebook nor Linked-In nor Twitter nor.......
True. However I do blog, I do write and publish books and most weeks I'm on my feet speaking to 100s if not 1000s of people. I have an e-mail address and a mobile phone.
The media you mention are all wonderful; it's just for me I'm trying to manage my attention: there is only so much of it and I want to put it various places. Every extra channel dilutes that attention. And attention which is diluted tends not to achieve anything.
In one of my seminars, delegates are amazed at how much real progress they make on their novel. And it's simply because for 15 minutes we give it massive, undiluted, no melodrama attention.
Try it. Let go of some distractions. Turn on the intense laser-beam of attention. And be amazed.
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