- Write it down in 50 words or less: exactly what you want. Make it explicit. Detailed & concrete. And brief.
- Now decide to turn the power of attention on that desire.
- If there is one thing you can be sure of in 2016, it is that there will be 1001 things to potentially diminish, distract and destroy the power of your laser-like attention. BUT NOT FOR YOU.
- Max your attention to manifest that desire by deciding what you will do less in 2016.
- You can do anything but you can't do everything.
- Max your attention by automating everything you possibly can so your precious brain power is reserved for the vital few.
- List your vital few. They get 90% of your time.
- List your trivial many. They get 10% of your time.
- Max your attention by building will-power muscle. Say no to everyday addictions: constant checking of the phone, junk TV and zero food-value snacks. Do less, achieve more.
- Stop cheating: pinching time from sleep, relationships and health simply to be on a conference call at a ridiculous time with The Mother Ship. It immobilises your oooomph.
- Max that attention by building colossal reserves of energy: move, mobilise, meditate.
- Create a plan. Action & date.
- Fill that plan with short, simple, time-friendly, brain-friendly actions.
- Ask your local friendly copy-shop guys to produce that plan in poster format: stick it on the door of your fridge.
- Print & laminate a credit-card format of the plan. Carry it everywhere. Look at it every hour, on the hour. Work that plan and it will work for you.
- Print an A4/A5 version and tape it into the front of your personal, paper note-book.
- Do one action every day.
- If your resolve should waver,(re-)read Into the Void and/or watch 127 Hours. At the end, close the book/switch off the screen, sit quietly and think sh*t and then get back to work.
- Keep the plan visible. Put big huge ticks against accomplishments.
- Update the plan but keep old versions with the ticks. Love your progress.
- Notice the change in your mindset and physiology as you become t o t a l l y unstoppable.
- Finally: Get What You want in 2016.
Bonus 1: Hunter-Gatherer 21 Century, Two Score & Ten
Bonus 2: 22 Things They Still Don't Teach You at Business School
Bonus 3: The Fundamental Problems with Powerpoint. Still. 22
Bonus 4: 22 Ways to be an Awesome Conference Speaker
Bonus 5: Love Presenting Hate (Badly Used) PowerPoint
Bonus 6: The 22 Fundamental Errors Large Organisations Still Make.
Bonus 7: Brilliant at the Basics of Business
Bonus 8: Routes to Less Stress 22
Bonus 9: That Other F Word
Bonus 10: What's Wrong with The Typical Corporate Selling Machine, 11
Bonus 11: 22 Reasons 79% of any Workforce is Woefully Unproductive
Bonus 12: 22 Ways To Create a Small, Simple, Start-Up.
Bonus 13: 22 Ways to Get Better at Anything