- 1024: first paper money originates in Sichuan, China.
- The number of blackbirds baked in a pie in the rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence.
- Two dozen.
- January 24, 1958 The Quarry Men (a band that would-of course-spark The Beatles) play at the Cavern Club, Liverpool.
- 1124: Henry I defeats Norman rebels.
- One score and four.
- The series which launched Jack Bauer, special agent who saves the world many times over. In 24h.
- 1224: University of Naples is founded
- The number of hours in an earth day.
- The product of any four consecutive numbers is divisible by 24.
- 1324: Black Death starts in Asia
- En Francais: vingt-quatre
- Chromium, Cr, the 24th element of the periodic table.
- 1524: Florentine explorer Verrazzano reaches New York Bay, the first European ever to do so.
- The number of frames per second at which motion picture film is usually projected.
- 1624: Frans Hals starts painting The Laughing Cavalier.
- In Roman: XXIV
- 1724: Blenheim Palace construction is completed.
- The number of letters in the classical Greek alphabet.
- 1824: The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to Animals established in GB.
- The number of carats in pure gold.
- 1924: Lenin dies.
- The human body contains 24 elements.
- Christmas Eve. We're excited...