In an exciting but crazy, crazy world how do we stay resilient? Buoyant, focused, content...? Seizing our opportunities yet more than appreciative of what we have? Bags of astonishing energy?
Ten areas require regular maintenance. They are here in overview.
Here's mental resilience.
And physical resilience.
Personal Compass & Clarity of Purpose
Here's 4: Productivity, Busyness & The Digital Interrupt.
- Productivity is both top down. Set your personal compass.
- And bottom up: a set of practical tactics, exercised daily.
- The Forward View. Ask what's coming up tomorrow, next week, next month. Anticipate and reduce work-load surprises.
- The Break, break and date. Take big, chunky items ('write strategic review') and break them down so they become time and brain friendly.
- Focus on the Vital Few i.e. items which give value towards progressing your direction (see 1). This approach will slowly but surely reduce the Trivial Many.
- Allow your Personal Compass review to generate items for a Master List. What you have to do, want to do, work and home. Avoid the seductive attractions of the To Do list: short term, urgent quick fix, quick tick.
- All productivity is what and when. What is the Personal Compass/ Master List combo. When requires the biggest wall planner you can get. The small screen of the phone will pull you into daily planning which is actually reacting.
- More help? Try Paradoxical Productivity and/or You Only Better.