- It encourages show and read rather than capture imagination and explain/inspire.
- "Power corrupts, PowerPoint corrupts absolutely", Edward Tufte.
- It's ubiquitous. Yet the finest presentations are special.
- It's part of an evil master plan.
- Bullets are cheap and easy to throw together. But harder for an audience to assimilate and remember.
- Stories are harder to assemble and rehearse, for sure. But they are grasped and remembered, often for ever.
- It causes you to 'show your working', which we shouldn't be seeing.
- "The bottom line is that anyone who can click a mouse can have their innermost thoughts blown up to CinemaScope size and plastered across the conference room wall. With PowerPoint, we are all the Tom Cruise of our offices, only not as good looking....". Bob Goldman
- It's meant to be a part of the presentation (e.g. to illustrate a trend in profitability) not the presentation
- If the audience have a copy of the deck they can read ahead which stops them listening-fully-to you.
- PPT slides attract 'branding'. Branding is sameness and conformity. Great in the high street, trance-inducing in the sales pitch.
- Using it will allow you to quickly become an OK presenter. But using it will hold you back from being an awesome presenter.
- It doesn't do emotion: you do emotion.
- It doesn't do pace: you do pace.
- It doesn't do closure, action and results: you do.
- When you start a PPT presentation you are awarded an inner groan from the audience.
- “Your slides should be a billboard not a document” Lee Jackson.
- Anyone can show slides. Presenting is a complex skill which will enhance your career, enable you to get messages across and as you become rockstar good, handle your demons of fear and needing people to love you. And cause you to become brilliant at thinking on your feet.
- It needs electricity. It needs darkness.
- You want freedom and you want light. So does your audience.
- It's an illness and it's contagious.
- It's never going to allow the best version of you.
Bonus 1: 22 Things They Still Don't Teach You at Business School
Bonus 2: Love Presenting Hate (Badly Used) PowerPoint
Bonus 3: The 22 Fundamental Errors Large Organisations Still Make.
Bonus 4: Brilliant at the Basics of Business
Bonus 5: That Other F Word