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| The 25 Essential Tools of Excellence: 17: The Steel Water Bottle »
- Routine & Ritual. Get the critical stuff, the vital stuff, the oh-so-easily-neglected stuff embedded. Make it a ritual. Make it a routine. Make it a habit. Every other drink is a beaker of water. No 'if's, no 'but's.
- Sense & Sensibility. Hang onto hi-tech, but don't neglect hi-touch. Electrons inform. Encouraging words motivate.
- Work & Wisdom. We don't work for money. We work for purpose, to discover who we are and to acquire wisdom. Money is one form of recognition for our endeavours. When we lose work for a purpose we start to sell our soul.
- Less & Lean. From attic to body to wood-shed to larder, less and lean energises, gets things done and allows us to spend time with what is truly important: people and places and sunsets. And do it with vitality.
- Time & Time. There's time, what's ticking. There's time, in the moment. Sometimes, just sometimes, lose the watch for an hour or so, leave the phone in a desk drawer and experience the latter time.
- Art & Action. There's 'big A' art produced by Michelangelo. And awe inspiring it is. But producing our own art is fun, therapeutic and returns us to the moment. Grab those coloured pens now.
- Cook & Chat. Two of the greatest human pleasures being lost to the convenience meal and digital interrupt. Just say no.