(26) To a business start-up opportunity: strategy 1: ride on coat-tails: take a growth area e.g cross-fit and think how you can be on the edge of that growth; strategy 2: take an 'everyday' problem e.g. getting a qualified plumber quickly and see how you can solve it.
(27) To a more impactful CV: CV presentation methodology has now become so refined most CVs look the same and read the same: everybody is a visionary leader and speaks Mandarin, Spanish ..... Your difference comes in (i) the super focused covering letter and (ii) realising more and more recruiters will be reading your CV on a small screen on a busy commute. Make it easy for your recruiter on both counts.
(28) To escaping the cubicle: read this.
(29) To promotion: become the role you seek now. Dress, think and contribute as you would if you got the job. Act as you wish to be perceived. That 'muscle-memory' will make it much easier to short-list you at your current employer and make you feel much more natural if going for an external interview.
(30) To a better play list: mix and match your current selections with the awesome suggestions from Kurt Harden (Real Man Cook, DJ and All-Round Renaissance Man), here.
1-5 are here: To a fresh business idea/To your first novel/To a more motivated team/To healthier eating/To build your personal brand.
6-10 are here: To a better negotiation/To a better mood, quickly/To getting the job where you miss a key criterion/To a better curry/To manage jet lag.
11-15 are here: To being a better presenter*/To develop your child's imagination/To be more intelligent/To make a better decision/To improve your finances.
16-25 are here: To ensuring people get back to you promptly/ To better coffee/ To becoming more professional/ To sleeping better/ To becoming wealthy / To getting on top of e-mail/ To worrying less/ To sorting a gym injury/ To getting the right things done/ To helping the planet, easily.