Imagine the gift: life on Planet Earth. Friends, rock 'n roll, challenges, music, perfect jeans, lonely moments, books, sea-shores, art, museums, concerts, work, a simple gift from a friend/lover, the scribbles of your young kids, bicycles, cooking, electric storms over deserts, NY NY, emotional reunions, hanging out, skate-boarding, cold beer down at the docks, awesome teamwork. Love. Great movies. Tears. Long weekends. Don't miss a moment. Sleep so well that when you are awake, YOU ARE AWAKE. Don't let anyone control you: who you can see; who you can't see. What you can do; what you can't do. Grab every opportunity especially time with the amazing people who come your way. Watch more bird formations cross the sky. Notice the skyline: look up. Go and get the necessary qualifications then get off the treadmill. Enjoy life and make a contribution. Believe in possibilities and know you are worth more, can do more and are more than a security badge around your neck might indicate. S l o w down so that the gift can be appreciated. Every so often stop and ask the question: what's really, really important now? The answer will keep you on track, will keep you grounded and undoubtedly, occasionally scare you.