Cookery. Knitting. Management. Bicycle Maintenance. You've got a book or two in your head and at your hands: it's time to release it.
- What's the book called? 60 seconds for a title. Go.
- What's the first real (after all the thanking your mum etc) sentence of your book? 120 seconds to write it. Go.
- What is the closing sentence? 120 seconds. Go.
- Grab a sheet of blank paper. Draw the cover. 180 seconds. Go
- What are the first five chapter heads? 120 seconds. Go.
- How much is it: paper? Kindle? 30 seconds. Go.
- You get a slot on drive-time radio. The DJ turns and asks "why should my listeners read your book?" 180 seconds. Go
OK. You've started. Don't lose momentum, 500 words every day and 2000 on an early Sunday morning. Go.