- This is it; focus on people, purpose and possibilities.
- The Old Rules are Out; but The New Rules are Good.
- Fix worry brain. Then you can worry about the real stuff.
- Look after your ooomph. Hurl it deep rather than spread it thin.
- Creativity appears in the gaps between busyness.
- Chase the edges: it's where interesting things are happening.
- One notebook. One Pen. One Action. At a time.
- Go home. Rest. You can't do anything with deep fatigue.
- You need more energy. You need extra ooomph to work on your escape plan. Go get fit.
- What everybody else is doing is the least of what you might consider doing.
- In a New World of Work where the obvious works less and less, fresh ideas are vital.
- You are only as good as your thinking. Treat thinking as a skill.
- Feel free. Because you are.
- Beat the Sun: get up early; Meet the Sun: drink perfect coffee as it slips into your view; Relish the Sun: walk outside and catch the rays.
- Why Bother?Sheer professionalism.
- Mondays?Love them.
- Planet Earth: pretty darn cool. Enjoy it.
- It really isn't too late.
- Are you crazy?A little, yep.
- Monday is not a date; it's an attitude.
- The Answer (my friend) Is There For The Taking.
- The difference in effort between good and really good is not so tough to achieve. The results though are staggering.
- Last Monday was great: this Monday is going to be twice as good.
- Money does not cause happiness; lack of money cause unhappiness.
- You don't have to know; but you do have to try.
- Despite the map she was still lost. Epiphany: maybe the map was wrong. Now there was a thought...
- Keep breathing
- Some things never change. Some things have to change.
- You're pretty damn good, they simply don't realise it yet.
- Mondays wouldn't be Mondays unless they prompted the deepest of questions: why on Earth do I carry on doing this?
- The only drug you need is fresh air.
- The long three day weekend was nice. That extra day makes all the difference. But how about if every week were like that....
- It's a shame that people often don't appreciate you until it's too late and you have resigned. So start knocking their socks off with your sheer brilliance sooner rather than later.
- 8/8/8
- Tomorrow is indeed another day. But today is the day. Go to it.
- Do it. Because it is there.
- One more question...
- E-mail never did emotion.
- Slow down to the speed of thought.
- Quality of life and Standard of living are different.
- The more we 'know' something but don't action it, the more it becomes 'the norm' to not take action it and thus it becomes invisible and impossible to action.
- We know it, but do we do it? Do we actually catch people doing things right?
- Perhaps you need to give up on him/her mind-reading and simply tell them...
- Some days don't need structure. Just a bit of flow.
- Without a Monday, the week simply couldn't get better as it progresses. It's one of the many reasons to love your local Monday.
- To become a writer, start writing today. To become a better writer, write every day.
- Of course they haven't recognised how good you are. Yet. You haven't yet shown them your greatest work. Repeatedly. Until they simply cannot ignore you.
- There are many reasons to own and wear a watch. Pure aesthetics is one. Legacy is another. But one tremendous one is that 99.99% of watches allow you to quickly check the time without any kind of digital interrupt.
- Friday has a funny kind of knack of being better than the previous Monday. That's easy. But can this Friday be even better than last Friday? Of course.
- For many of us it is perhaps curious that we often spend more time on learning how to understand art, criticise art and even buy art than actually make art.
- Take a cigarette break. Just skip the cigarette.
- 52 weeks. One change a week. Within a year: total re-invention. At home, at work, at play.
- Yesterday you said you would do it tomorrow.
- Monday is just Monday. A label, a date, a convention. On the other hand your attitude is a choice, an option a potential amazing resource.
- Totally master the technology around you. Otherwise it will master you.
- We must allow our thinking to be tested. McCartney and Lennon could be awesome alone. But after a good discussion the work they produced could be genius.
- A desire to be liked and loved by everybody will stop you doing your greatest work.
- Friday. Phew. B r e a t h e fully again.
- Worry less about networking and more about why you are networking.
- Take a hero of yours. Take another. Now take just one more. You'll notice a clear, common and consistent characteristic they have. Exercise that daily and you'll get exactly what you want.
- Most of the time, life isn't an emergency.
- Electrons don't do hugs.
- Yesterday=today+reflection; Tomorrow=today+inspiration
- To ask a good question is to access an elusive parallel universe of possibility.
- Discover not only what you can make a living out of. But what you can make a life from...
- Your thoughts will dictate your actions. Get the best thoughts from the best places.
- Resist someone else managing your destiny.
- Pack light.
- Demand more of yourself physically.
- Life has no limit on opportunities; but they have to be taken.
The detail...
- Bonus: You, Only Better, the book.