- Orwell's Big Brother is not just read, it is studied.
- The Smart Alarm Clock (TM) closes down all house operations such as TV, surfing, washing machines at an appropriate time to ensure enough sleep is had. All humans are cheerful during the day.
- Apart for relief work and emergencies commercially produced bottled still water is banned. Fuel costs plummet, land-fills are given a reprieve.
- Catch 22 is implemented. If you want to be a politician you are clearly not suitable and can't become one.
- A 15 minute delay is built into the melting algorithm of ice-creams on a hot day. Fewer tears from fewer children.
- PPT slide-decks are water soluble.
- The Apple iWatch has a dispenser to take a Starbucks VIA sachet and deliver the world's most perfect nano espresso straight to your desk cup. iWatch v2 promises steamed milk.
Bonus 1: In The Future I
Bonus 2: Be Bold 101