- Multiply Italian design style with almost anything and you won't go far wrong.
- Become you own expert. Never leave your wealth, your health nor your politics (solely) to a (perhaps) impressive CV.
- A Master List is different to a To Do List. The former has 'want to do's as well as the latter's 'Have to do's.
- Jeans are even cooler when not worn all the time.
- You need a Sinatra greatest hits on your playlist. Every man and every woman will have their Sinatra moments. Don't be caught out.
- Your start-up will take three times as long as the spreadsheet predicted to become profitable. Make the adjustment now and you will be fine.
- Don't wait until Breaking Bad becomes the new cult. Watch it now.
- The alarm clock is for back-up. Not wake up: get enough sleep.
- 1 or 2 or 3 dip recession? Doesn't matter: stay focused, work hard and delight customers.
- Save time instantly. From meetings, unnecessarry travel, lack of anticipation of what's coming up in the schedule and TV.
Bonus: the first ten here.