« How To Get A Breakthrough 7 |
| All In One High Value Day With Michael Wade, The Blogger's Blogger: »
- Don't do e-mail first thing. Create your plan for the day; e-mail supports your plan. It is not the plan.
- Make 45 minutes your unit for meetings. Insist on 15 minutes between meetings. To summarise personal actions, to think and to breathe.
- Batch information for colleagues into documents and then send in one e-mail. They'll appreciate fewer interrupts and ones that when they are recieved are integrated and in understandable context. Ask that others do the same for you.
- Stand up a lot more. Breathe.
- Ask people to explain things in narrative: verbally or in written narrative format not bullets in PowerPoint. The former will force a more helpful deeper understanding. Bullets look rigorous but that is an appearance not a reality.
- Be courteous Everybody wants to be valued. It motives us to do more and do more better.
- Go home on time. Work is so much better when there is something else apart from work.