« Check It Out 3 |
| Knowledge x Let Go »
- Imagination needs feeding. Reading is perfect: anytime, budget-priced and always accessible.
- Showing up works.
- Slow down, notice more. Notice more, wake up. Wake up, solve the problem.
- It's far, far, far less crowded at the top.
- Boldness works.
- Excuses don't change anything. They simply delay our dreams.
- Consistency, politeness and focus destroy any blocker. Ker-pow!
- There is always time for good conversation.
- You know all that you need to know. You need to apply it.
- Getting organised is not dull. Nor does it block spontaneity. Ask Leonardo da Vinci, a man who achieved a few things. And without an iPad, too.
- The job for life is clearly over. So actually is any guarantee beyond the quarter. So switch the thinking: ensure they desperately need you.
- Try more. Out of quantity will come quality. Out of quality will come your best work. Out of your best work there will be a living to be made.
- Your greatest work is yearning to get out. Give it a chance.
- Travelling light helps so much. To work, on vacation. And in life.
- School & college are increasingly confused as to their purpose. But education, learning and hence wisdom are still vital and your saviour in a crazy world. Invest 2% of your income in your personal development.
- Too few of our leaders know what they are doing. At best they administer and that tends to happen too late and then too slowly. Lead yourself and your family and think community.
- Great design is not just for Apple. Make it easy in a world of complexity.
- Most things in life have a threshold beyond which the vital (salt), fun (wine) and handy (e-mail) begin to wreck lives.
- Systems handle the dull. Your brain handles the rest.
- Pen and paper works.
- Everybody sells.
- Measuring something often desensitises our true understanding of its value.
- In any superhero's life, the first bit is the most fascinating. How, where and when did you become one? What is your story?
- The amount of discount a salesperson gives correlates with lack of his/her confidence in product x lack of skill in selling x lack of accountability to profit being made. Fix all three and laugh all the way to the bank.
- Change is no problem. Rate of change is a heck of a problem. Get and stay fighting fit: be able to bounce back from the mat, run for a waiting jump-jet and do what ifs? without a spreadsheet.
- Ready? Of course.
- Asking works.
- Sure: nobody told you. They didn't know either.
- An MBA-if not handled carefully-is a further delay to action in a shrinking world.
- In that doppio espresso is the answer. But are your senses fully attuned?
- Sometimes you just don't know what to say, think or do. Don't analyse. Move on.
- Friends W: why, who, when, where, what...
- Enemies W: worry, waiting, wandering, warm-water tea, wishing...
- Processed food will delay your greatest thinking as smart ideas attempting to leap synaptic gaps in your brain will be caught in a web of sticky corn syrup.
- Age is not a number. It's a mind-set.
- In Shakespeare, Bob Dylan or Don Winslow there is normally a clue as to what to do next.
- Laughter is a fabulous side-effects free drug.
- Dropping a note works, too.
- Jason Bourne's resourcefulness in tricky situations is worth modelling. Would you have done that with the toaster?
- Starting certainly works. Every time. Rain or shine. With or without his/her approval. But always-that's siempre-today.