Ensure that you spend time with the best. The best will encourage you, have no worries about sharing their enthusiasm for life, their ideas and within reason their time to help you. The best will pull you out of the doldrums, remind you that your complaints are-with all due respect they will politely emphasise-are perfectly manageable compared to the real challenges some have. The best will be do the basics as a given: being on time, being courteous, listening to really understand rather than judge. The best will remind you that good is no longer good enough, that excellence is a nice place to be as it's not at all crowded and it's just a decision away. The best will remind you it's just like climbing a mountain: you do it because it's there. And then you feel amazing. And you may well earn well, too. The best will remind you that nothing's guaranteed but more is predictable when you take responsibility for you career rather than leaving it to your CEO, take responsibility for you life rather than leaving it to a smooth-talking politician and start reading every day. Hang out with the best. Listen to the best. Read the best.