But: nobody will listen;
Mmmm: somebody always will if you are polite, persistent and clarify what's in it for them.
But: I can't get funding for my start up;
Mmmm: then simplify the business model, reduce initial outlays and be grateful you are beholden to nobody.
But: my novel manuscript has been rejected 13 times;
Mmmm: let's talk when it's been rejected 113 times.
But: I feel too tired;
Mmmm: sleep, reduce caffeine and processed food, increase fresh food, walk everywhere. You'll gain energy quickly.
But: I'm not getting any interviews;
Mmmm: get some practical feedback on your (1) CV (2) interview style (3) the covering letter. The latter needs to be focused, benefit rich and specific and is vital in a job scarce market.
But: I'm buying books but not reading them;
Mmmm: try audio versions while commuting. Half TV viewing time (you know you won't miss anything) and use that for reading.
But: I'm eating too much junk food;
Mmmm: because it's easy and addictive. Start the fresh food route gently by steaming vegetables and adding them to your processed food. Your pallet will adjust.
But: I need a lucky break;
Mmmm: you'll get loads once you stop waiting for a lucky break and work very, very, very hard.
But: my girlfriend has left me;
Mmmm: learn from it. If you do she may return. If she doesn't there will be another wonderful girl out there for you.
But: I'm confused;
Mmmm: start and start soon. That will clarify matters.
But: I have too many ideas;
Mmmm: great problem to have. Now turn some of them into actions.
But: it'd be easier if I had an iPad;
Mmmm: perhaps. However pencil and paper is readily available and encourages more consideration and reflection. Once you have your breakthrough the iPad will materialise soon enough.
But: I don't know what I want;
Mmmm: you do. You simply need to be honest enough to admit it to yourself.
But: I want promotion;
Mmmm: identify the skill gap and fill it.
But: life is hard;
Mmmm: indeed. That's what we humans do: make it easier. Otherwise where's the fun?
But: I spend too much money on clothes;
Mmmm: switch to cash. You'll be shocked at how much a shirt can cost these days when you see the pounds/dollars/euros coming out of your wallet.
But: I need a holiday, but am already in debt;
Mmmm: how much fun can you have without spending any money?
But: the weather is depressing;
Mmmm: weather is weather. Choose your mood.
But: the dog eat my homework;
Mmmm: smart dog: recognised the quality was too low.
But: I can't go to the gym as I've hurt my knee;
Mmmm: check with your doctor, then try Pilates.
But: if only I were more creative;
Mmmm: stop saying that about yourself and write every day. Ideas will appear.
But: I don't have enough time;
Mmmm: you never will have: you have to make (often tough) choices. That's leadership.
But: there's a recession on;
Mmmm: your goal is get a greater slice of a shrinking pie. Do that by offering extraordinary value and by being different.
But: what if I get it wrong;
Mmmm: you'll learn.
But: my share portfolio has collapsed;
Mmmm: forget it for a while. It will no doubt bounce back. The universe tends to work in cycles. Do not attach happiness nor a vital plan to stock prices.
But: who will help me?;
Mmmm: somebody for sure. Keep asking.
But: they've stolen my brilliant idea;
Mmmm: they acted more quickly. Next time less bravado, more action.
But: nobody recognises my talent;
Mmmm: you don't want them to. Because recognition is now given to celebrity. That's not an accolade you want.
But: my printer has broken;
Mmmm: you're local friendly library probably has one you can use. It's amazing what is free when you start looking.
But: I need to be able to speak Spanish;
Mmmm: great language. Learn 25 words today.
But: I'm in debt;
Mmmm: save, then spend. Use cash. Calculate your true wealth (assets-liabilities). Start counting i.e knowing where your money goes.
But: I'm worried about global warming;
Mmmm: do your bit. Control what you can. Carry on.
But: I'm sleeping poorly;
Mmmm: stop using anything with electrons and/or caffeine 4h before you go to bed.
But: but they said;
Mmmm: maybe, but what do you think?
But: I don't feel challenged;
Mmmm: get fit then you will have energy then you will love challenges.
But: I really want to escape from the rat race;
Mmmm: get good, really, really good at something. Start now.
But: I'm bored;
Mmmm: start anything.
But: Mondays are not good for me;
Mmmm: you're joking aren't you? A Roman tag is pulling you down?
But: I'm not earning enough;
Mmmm: none of us ever are. Reduce your cost base by keeping an expenditure log.
But: !!!
Mmmm: ???
But: my commute is too long;
Mmmm: double it up as your learning time
But: I'm overloaded with e-mail;
Mmmm: send far less. Talk to people. Your e-mail will reduce and more will get done.
But: I can't afford to do an MBA;
Mmmm: create your own budget MBA. All you lose is the formal qualification and that's of less and less value anyway.
But: will it work?
Mmmm: not necessarily. But you will evolve and that's worth it.
But: I'm too young;
Mmmm: act older.
But: I'm too old;
Mmmm: act younger.
But: I've lost my mojo;
Mmmm: you actually lost your wellness. Mojo is always a function of your wellness. And wellness is meditation x exercise x diet x sleep.
But: it can't be that easy;
Mmmm: no, but it can be tackled.
But: there are no excuses left;
Mmmm: absolutely.
Get off your butt