It's a meeting of the MEOS (Make Earth Ours Soon) project team.
Team Leader: I need a status update. Things are increasingly bad here on Planet Zukko; ammonia levels are rising and I'm fed up with electrical storms spoiling my watching of Deadwood.
Project Person 1: Good morning o team leader. Things are progressing well with your slow but cunning plan to make Planet Earth ours.
Project Person 2: yes, the 'slash and burn' policies we used to use have meant we have often destroyed the very beautiful planets we wished to acquire.
PP 1: the slow but sure reduction of the human species to automatons has been sheer genius. They burn out and we gain the jewel of their galaxy. The perfect planet: warmth, light, breathable air and great music.
PP 2: agreed. First Powerpoint put them into a trance. Then e-mail locked them down so they could no longer think nor innovate.
Team Leader. Then we hit a bit of a plateau until through my brilliance we realised we needed to make self-destruction fun for humans so I invented social media. The time per day most humans spend on the software especially face book is growing exponentially. Genius.
PP 1: sheer genius o leader.
PP 2: sheer genius indeed o leader.
TL: have their been any signs of anybody suspecting that Mark Zuckerberg is not real?
PP 2: not at all. We are of course constantly monitoring all Earth media. 'He is so bad that he must be real' is what our RPT (robot production team) delight in saying. Plus Earthlings are distracted by how much he is worth, little realising the whole enterprise is supported by Zukko Dollars much like Enron was.
TL: good, vey good.
PP 1: good
PP 2: very good
TL; and so we are still on plan for Earth to be ours by New Year 2016?
PP 1: yes sir. There is one forecaster in NYC with a placard who claims the end is nigh for that year. He seems more insightful than most. Then the planet will be ours and not a single Starbucks will be damaged and on that sir I don't know whether you know but Starbucks are adding an extra shot to...
PP 2: er, too much detail, colleague.
TL: good, vey good.
PP 1: good
PP 2 : very good
TL: I will not forget your loyalty when I create the first council for Planet Earth. I announce this project meeting over.
TL: oh, one thing. Look after those Beatles Master Tapes when you get to the Abbey Road studios, wont you?