- He talked about
- A grain of sand...
- A flower...
- How did it go?
- Ahh...yes
- To see a world in a grain of sand
- And heaven in a wild flower
- Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
- And eternity in an hour
- William Blake, of course
- Notice
- the small stuff
- and
- hence
- Realise
- the big stuff.
- For
- in
- small
- stuff
- is
- all
- you
- ever
- need
- to
- be
- truly, deeply, happy.
- That smile of hers upon seeing you at the station;
- silence at dawn after crisp, fresh snowfall;
- a new author discovered;
- perfect paella;
- "thinking of you";
- an essay appreciated;
- boldness;
- trains journeying through sheer wilderness;
- no regrets;
- art museums;
- the greatest movies;
- OMG: the desert at dawn;
- five-a-side football spontaneously played;
- the bike ride to the coast;
- his help;
- her txt;
- twenty words of Spanish mastered;
- a freshly ironed-no laundered-shirt
- flowering bulbs;
- a fountain pen signature;
- a simple meal shared;
- a hug;
- Julius Caesar read aloud;
- the planet on which you landed thanks to your parents.
- To stop the chase for stuff
- and allow the chase for growth
- and be on the quest for the best version of you,
- is
- to
- truly
- deeply
- passionately
- notice
- the small
- -no the smallest-
- of
- things
- to see a world in a perfectly crafted sentence
- and heaven in her smile
- hold infinity in the view out to the mountains
- and eternity in your child's bed-time story
- and
- suddenly
- life
- is
- no
- longer
- at
- all
- complicated
- challenging: yes
- frustrating: yes
- but it makes sense
- atom
- by
- atom
- step
- by
- step
- person
- by
- person
- conversation
- by
- conversation
- day
- by
- day
- full moon
- to
- full
- moon
- trulydeeplypassionatelynoticethesmallstuff.