The Executive Summary of The Greatest Barriers:
(1) Worrying about what other people think (2) The distraction of trivia and melodrama (3) The desire for perfection (4) Simply not being bold enough (5) Not having a pen (6) Believing things should be fair (7) Copying rather than innovating.
back story with barriers (1) and (2) here.
Of course we would all like to be a great presenter, writer, innovator straight away. But the greatest, truly the greatest were not. They had to learn. Steve Jobs became amazing via a tortuous route of previous experience and previous companies. Sir Richard Branson had his bank knocking on his door one Christmas Eve saying "no more cheques, Mr Branson". To desire perfection is to stymie our growth, to slow down our learning and to eliminate the likelihood of our greatest work. To have high standards, to aim high and believe there is great work within each and everyone of us is different. And enlivening. And human.