Sometimes you realise that if you just woke up and were bold, perhaps things would become refreshingly different. After all, the totally tangible truths are simply priceless and remind you that whetever it takes in a Brave New World, there is no conspiracy maybe just simply one doppio espresso too many. After all, you say you want a revolution. So be a superhero and realise that life is good. What if you were fearless and knew that you could solve any problem that you had? Reinvent. Be outrageous. Be professional. Genius often starts with quick wins, certainly avoiding nonsense, taking time to reflect, seeking answers and knowing what is to be done. Set your compass, do it and boost your productivity and hence wellness and hence creativity. Think Beatles, think Blue Jeans, less PowerPoint. Write and be different. Grab your freedom and travel. Less marketing, more relaxing.
Bonus: Kurt and his team offer you free, amazing posters.