- 'To do' lists tend to drive the urgent, the here-and-now, the 'have-to-do's. You need a master list: that focuses on what you want to do, too.
- Work on things as well as in them. Become fully aware of the meeting, of your writing. Once you are aware, you can improve.
- Break big and/or daunting tasks down into ones which are time and brain friendly.
- Regularly scan through your schedule to anticipate what is coming up.
- Notice what takes up disproportionate amounts of your time: you need a better system and it may be as simple as a check-list.
- You'll need at some stage to take a walk and ask yourself what being productive actually means.
- And it's best if you have that discusion with whoever is important in your Life.
FixIt! (1) on selling was here.