- The rules we were sold at school and college have bugs in them. There are no absolutes.
- Just when you think have a strategy for success for your business, it starts to unravel. That's why there must always be fresh coffee in the business planning war room.
- Genes needn't define you: just guide you.
- Jeans. Now they do define you.
- Never blame hard times. Blame a business model which needs good times in order to work.
- Time doesn't speed up as you get older. It's just the days become more similar compared to the staggering newness and diversity a toddler faces every day. Build more freshness and difference and challenge into every day. And time will move at a more pleasant pace once again.
- Managing airport security means you can skip Anger Management 101.
- Yes you do know what to do. It's just reassuring if someone validates that for you. You can give up that need and notice that everything is perfectly OK.
- 92% of statistics are more misleading than enlightening.
- Persistence+Politeness=Astonishing Power
- Wishin' and Hopin' only works in pop song lyrics. (Dusty Springfield)
- Hard is often easy compared to working with the crowd who are trying to take things easy.
- A watch allows you to stay away from the e-mail on your phone for prolonged periods without being late for your sweetheart who is meeting you at the diner looking so gorgeous in her brand new summer dress and requires your full attention not distraction.
- At the junction of your brain's synapses whole new universes, heroes and anti-heroes are buzzing and bursting to get out. Take a walk and a note-book to release them.
- Write a list: Things I Never, Ever Want To Forget. Start it with: Life IS Good. Add to it every week. Read it every day with your bowl of cereal.
- Getting places on time is an early indicator of great things.
- The Universe has a perverse sense of humour. Human beings want Life to be fair. But in order for there to be human beings, Life simply cannot be fair.
- Hard work always works. It just might need to be harder work than someone else's hard work.
- Joking about PPT is no excuse for a bad presentation. For goodness sake make corporate Life a better place and read Love Presenting, Hate (badly used) PowerPoint here.
- Wisdom=time elapsed x learning. The second variable is very much in your control. Read more. Much more.
- When will you release your greatest hits collection?
- The writing of a novel is not about its publication, necessarily. It's to get a few things clear. Which may become a publishable novel.
- Starting and finishing need to be connected by something worthwhile.
- Buying a decent pencil sharpener is worth it.
- So is a sticky-tape dispenser.
- Road trips are less about the road and more about not being on a plane, thank goodness.
- Deep in the heart of a perfectly crafted doppio espresso is the essence of a great day.
- Romance might be flowers. It might be a secret assignation in a quiet back-street hotel in Le Marais, Paris. It might be a simple txt. It certainly needn't be complicated.
- Sure: some people don't get it. Move on.
- Attempting inclusiveness will bring your organisation to its knees.
- Many businesses do a lot of things badly. The good news is: an excellent business is based on just doing a few things really, really well. Brilliant at the Basics of Business 100 reminds here.
- It took critics thirty years to approve of McCartney II. You surely can wait a year or two to win approval for your thing.
- Being Lost in the Wilderness happens to all of us. It's just that when we get out we rarely want to talk about it. Just have a long, hot shower, a decent curry and a cold beer.
- Your team is not lazy. They just need more leadership until they understand how to lead themselves.
- Philosophy has all the answers.
- Reading about genius will tell you what previous geniuses have done. Your genius will be revealed by getting on the path of trial, trial, trial, error, mistake, ahhh!, heartache, etc.
- Money is a distractor. Period. Get enough to pay the rent and for bread, decent cheese and music. Then move on to greater things
- A spreadsheet is not reality. It's a model. But working on it for long periods causes it to seem like reality. That's very, very dangerous in a world of actual people, trees and crunchy peanut butter.
- Slow down.
- Any guaranteed way to make lots of money has now been used. But the inspiration is still there for finding other ways.
- Posters always help.
- It'd be a real shame not to get up early and see more sunrises.
- Love really does make the world go round.
- If only we parents would listen, our children would stop us losing the plot and getting old before our time.
- On this bit of the planet nobody stops us doing great things. Just ourselves.
- Walking tall helps you remember who you really are.
- Look regularly at how far you have come. Imagine often what you can do.
- Imagine often what you could do and then look at how far you could go.
- It ain't about lack of time; it's about re-discovering oooommph.
- And oooommph is only a heart-beat away.