1. Those who show they value your work 2. Hotel rooms where the air-con, wifi and lighting are easy to use 3. Business phone lines without convoluted menu-driven interactions 4. Airport security with a smile 5. Healthy fast-food 6. Shops which open on time 7. Banks who remember who gave them the money in the first place 8. Schools which still value education not just grades 9. Thinking which is critical but doesn't criticise 10. A day without meetings 11. A desk without yellow stickies 12. Enthusiasm for business 13. MBAs about business rather than business models 14. Politicians who have the national (even global) interest at heart 15. Fresh pear juice 16. Sound, worry-free sleep 17. Author J P Donleavy 18. Mail (e-or snail) free weekends 19. Shakespeare re-visited 20. Long, rambling conversations with friends 21. "we'll hit target early this month" 22. PPT slides which are relevant 23. "I've all the time in the world" 24. Meetings which start on time 25. "the customer loves us" 26. Specifics from marketing 27. Helpful genes 28. Scrambled egg still cooking on the pre-warmed plate 29. Thriving local coffee shops 30. Evenings without technology 31. Intelligent discussions on drugs, nuclear power and global warming 32. A diner meal without an up-sell 33. Lecturers who love teaching 34. Cheese served at the correct temperature 35. An organisation which trains its staff to be brilliant 36. Palma ham and chips 37. Not responding to a vibrating phone when in conversation with you 38. Having a plan through to the delivery point 39. Listening to feedback 40. Homemade steak and kidney pie 41. Showing up, whatever 42. Unconditional love 43. Silence 44. Brilliant public transport 45. Havana, Cuba 46. Believing in yourself 47. Having a clear goal 48. Being polite and courteous. 49. A visits to Vinci, home of Leonardo of course 50. A notebook full to the brim with your tumbling thoughts 51. Your e-mails answered without chasing 52. Key financial indicators improving 53. Transforming 54. Feeling really, really good 55. At last: knowing 56. Having focus 57. Heading home on time, great work done 58. Seeing a bear in the woods around Banff 59. Great results from your annual medical check up 60. On time, every time 61. In box zero 62. Planet Saturn 63. Real mayonnaise 64. Drawing 65. Pilates 66. Graphite and diamond 67. Relativity, theory of 68. i, the square root of minus one 69. Abayanga massage 70. Not worrying about uses for paperclips 71. Progress made with electric cars 72. Balanced news reporting 73. Steamed after too much fried 74. Leaders who lead 75. Early work by the great artists 76. Really being listened to 77. A great off-site planning session 78. Looking for strategic reasons, too, when the sales figures are down 79. Non-iced cool water drunk steadily 80. Exercising without pause and getting 'in the zone' 81. Corresponding regularly on paper 82. A gentleman wearing a trilby 83. Not jumping to conclusions 84. Saying sorry, genuinely 85. Reviewing the entire music collection 86. Noting stuff 87. Not rushing 88. Being ready, willing and able 89 restoring health naturally wherever possible 90. Travelling without judgement 91. Looking for the best in a person 92. Enjoying the weather 93. Letting it go and not having to be right 94. Finally getting it: aha! 95. Excitement 96. Bliss 97. Wonder 98. Magic 99. Today 101. Life