- Hard Work Pays Off;
- but often only slowly. Sometimes i n c r e d i b l y slowly. Hang on in there.
- Twitter Is Graffiti
- but without the damage to nice Oxford walls.
- There Are No Guarantees In The New World of Work;
- except realising you are your own business in which you must invest; so day by day, inch by inch (that's cm by cm), 1% by 1%, get better than you were last week. And better than the crowd. And better than you ever thought you might be.
- Few Will Encourage You;
- appreciate those that do.
- Reading Is An Incredibly High Value Investment In Your Brain;
- grab that investment: some invest more in their car than they do in their mind.
- Love Is A Verb;
- hug, be there, understand.
- Today Is The Best Day To Take An Action;
- yesterday was pretty good. Tomorrow may well be procrast...
- You Raise Your standards From OK to Good to Excellent to Outstanding to Awesome For Yourself;
- others get the benefits and it makes you unstoppable.
- Wellness=Energy. Energy=Action. Action=Success. Success= Fulfillment;
- get well first.
- Actions Are What Count;
- talk, e-mail and slide-decks are increasingly cheap.
- Writing Is How You Discover Who The Heck You Are;
- which may or may not create a blog post, may or may not create a book, may or may not release a best-seller. These are side shows compared to 'who the heck am I?'.
- The Universe Has A Bigger Plan Than You;
- that doesn't stop you carving out your niche though.
- Few Foods Are Intrinsically 'Bad';
- it's the mix and volume which can slow us to a standstill, dull our creativity and make us crave a slug of corn syrup.
- Walking Is Brilliant For Breathing, Posture, Strength, Thinking, Talking, Reflecting and just 'Being';
- leave the car at home/office more often.
- The TV Is A Distraction;
- sure there is good stuff available, sure you can be discerning. Simply try it and notice the profound difference.
- Rain is Refreshing;
- get a coat and walk every day at lunch-time. The deli on the corner of 42 and 8th will appreciate your visit.And their rye bread is amazing.
- An Outstanding Presenting Ability Will Accelerate Your Career;
- the quality of your career will be dependent upon it.
- Getting Really, Really, Really Good At Something Will Enable You To Make A Lot Of Money;
- and it only takes time and a decision.
- Being Fit Isn't Just About Looking After Your Heart, It's About Having An Inclination To Get Things Done;
- er...get fit.
- Music Changes State And Makes You Feel Unstoppable Just When You Feel Like Stopping;
- sort out your music collection and get it onto an iPod.
- Hindsight Is Remarkable. That's Why Creative Scenario Planning Is Vital To Your Business;
- book an off-site today.
- Saying "I Don't Have Time' Is A Waste Of Time. You Know That;
- make a better choice.
- If You Study The Beatles You Will Understand Life;
- start with Here, There and Everywhere.
- Planning Will Help You Avoid A Lot Of Problems;
- ask: what's important about tomorrow, next week and next month?
- If You Want Quality Of Life: Chase It.
- don't chase standard of living-it's different.
- Build Confidence By Getting Really Good At Something;
- the feeling is remarkably transferable.
- Being Resilient And Resourceful Will Help You;
- get up earlier to prove you can do it.
- Nobody Said Anything Was Easy;
- simply nobody.
- Being Consistently Late Is Indicative Of Deeper Problems;
- and that'll worry the people who shouldn't have to worry about you and your capability.
- Every Day Is A Free Training Course;
- learn from it.
- The Success Formula Is Clear: A Goal Plus A Strategy To Execute That Strategy Plus Stamina To Maintain That Strategy;
- work to acquire all three.
- Good Art Is A Snapshot Of The Artist's Soul;
- that's why you must produce art whether it is writing, painting, parenting or baking bread.
- We Are An Incredible Mind-Body Organism: It Is Vital To Get Them Fully Congruent With Each Other
- use the hands more...but less on a key-board.
- Passion Is What Sustains You In Your Career;
- anything else: money, job title, corner office is a momentary blipp of happiness...
- A List Is Power;
- it means you can use 100% brain processing power for creativity and problem solving not (just) remembering.
- Technology Is Often A Distraction From the Core Issue;
- that doesn't mean it is not incredibly useful, cool and friendly. Just sometimes distracting.
- Zones Keep You Sane;
- your zone, you + partner zone, you + children zone, you + work zone.
- Pencil And Paper Will Solve Any Problem;
- in fact it helps as it simplifies the problem.
- Removing Distractions Boosts Your Productivity Profoundly
- switch it off for a while...
- Brilliant Time Management Is Two Things: What and When
- what you have and want to do. And when you will do it.
- Building An Awesome Set Of Soft Skills Will Stop You Becoming A Commodity;
- and your role being outsourced to some Island off China.
- Success Correlates More with OOOMMPPH than Qualifications or Intelligence;
- great news so long as you are willing to act with ooommmppphhh.
- Men And Women Are Profoundly Different;
- that's probably the greatest asset the human race has, if only we realised it...
- Happiness Isn't Stuff. It's Being Alive;
- stuff is the distraction which makes us unhappy.
- We Make Our Own Drama;
- create your own story: thriller, love story...you choose...
- Melodrama is For Those With No Real Drama;
- don't allow them to spoil your day.
- Cogito Ergo Sum;
- Latin usually says it better.
- Your Potential Is Still Amazing;
- it simply needs to be re-discovered again.
- You Can Control More Than You Think;
- simply concede what you can't.
- Today Can Still Be A Totally Amazing Day For You, Despite All The Sh*t Happening;
- and why would you have it any other way?
- Total Truths, Totally Tangible If Tenacious, Today.