(1) Life is messy. (2) Life is unpredictable. (3) Life can make you cry, (4) pull your hair out, (5) throw your hat in the air and even (6) sit down and weep. (7) Life is exciting, (8) scary and at times (9) daunting. (10) Life is funny and at times makes you (11) giggle. At other times it is so (12) awe-inspiring, even (13) electrifying it makes you want to (14) hug somebody. Nobody said (15) Life is or should be easy. Certainly not a (16) bowl of cherries. Life can (17) can pass you by unless you (18) wake up, (19) switch on and (20) fully engage. Life (21) isn't DNA: that's a stack of bonded atoms. No, Life (22) is what you make of it. (23) Examine it fully to notice all the (24) moving parts, its (25) potential smooth running and ability to (26) accelerate into action, given (27) regular maintenance, of course. Life (28) meanders on a fine summers day, (29) shivers in NYC snow and (30) loves hot chocolate by outside braziers in Stockholm. (31) Life knows few boundaries, is (32) ever curious and sometimes (33) day-dreams and an (34) amazing imagination conjures up lyrics to pop songs or new improved digital cameras or cool recipes. (35) Life is great long, even better (36) wide and kinda gorgeous (37) deep. (38) Life needs regular massage, (39) good books, quality (40) sleep and regular glimpses of the sea, mountains, the desert and needs also to hear the CRACK of a good (41) thunderstorm. (42) Life loves drama because (43) Life is drama. Life is (44) Planet Earth's greatest story in which for once we get the major role. (45) Every day an audience turns up and notices our performance. (46) In Life we may or may not connect with that audience; (47) we may or may not have an impact. But whatever, Life is (48) cool, (49) Life is staggeringly rich; Life is (50) Good.