So here's the backdrop for 2011. Plenty of challenge and plenty of opportunities. How do we minimise the former and maximise the latter? Adopt a personal protocol i.e. an agreed way of working to which we make a personal commitment. Perhaps something such as this. Here's the director's cut:
- I will do an outstanding job, whatever. We do this for ourselves. The client gets the benefit. Our employer gets the benefit but above all we are repeatedly 'wiring-in' a way of thinking which gets us the greatest rewards, whatever they might be for us. Excellence is our minimum standard.
- I will stay super-well. When I get tired and/or stressed I start to hate my job, the world and myself. I will take time out to stop 'reptile brain' taking over from 'higher brain'. I will stop and smell the roses. I will never, ever say 'I don't have time'.
- I will be selective and constantly ask: who do I really want to work with? When we start our business, when we start out on our career we have fewer choices. But it must be an early goal to work and/or serve only those who value our work and are therefore willing to pay our prices, spread good word and come back for more.
- I will accept no cr*p from clients. At all. Ever. It's a partnership. That's the only way great business can be created. So: let's talk, let's agree and let's act. Together.
- I will write to develop my thinking. Books, particularly published books are a happy accidental by-product. Because my thinking is my greatest asset. Period.
- I will be determined to get into the top 10% of my niche, then top 1% then top 0.1%. If I am not special, I am a commodity. If I am a commodity I am vulnerable to price attacks, loss of market share and lack of loyalty from my clients and customers. My business will die.
- I will price my services and solutions and products to allow continuous investment in them. If I am not getting better I am getting worse. And who wants to buy a degrading product?
The Process Details: tomorrow.