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- Plan things. However you like: paper, iPad or whiteboard. But with a plan you get SO MUCH more happening.
- Read Execupundit. This is an extraordinarily useful blog. All the thoughts, hint, tips and links you need. Start by investing in Michael's new books.
- Articulate your 2011 big picture. A white board or poster is ideal for this. This is super high level: just one or two points at most. What is 2011 about for you? Paint it large. Paint it red. Say it loud.
- Read eclecticity. This blog will stop you getting dull. It'll surprise you. Perhaps shock you. Certainly introduce you to some decent music.
- Sort out some systems. Systems save you time, handle the dull stuff and ensure you don't need to use your brain for routine stuff. Systems made and make great people greater. Good systems are for filing, for prompting/nudging and routines for ensuring you are at your best. The great cultural offering has been doing a study of routines and studies. Check him out for the latest. This is one of 149 reasons why you should be reading him daily.
- Raise your standards. The great thing is there is not much difference in effort levels between very good and excellent. But the returns are staggeringly different. There's a lot more information in in this free download.
- Minimise your needs. Whether it is paper or money or refills for the dishwasher, if you need less you can earn less and if you can earn less you are beholden to fewer. And that's a nice position to be in. With less clutter you know exactly what needs to be done; that makes it easier to do it; that makes you feel good. That too is a nice poistion to be in. Check out Paul Schwend in this area and find out how he is changing the planet for the better one tweet at a time.
- I'll keep prodding you until I see it in print. Get that book written. It ain't for the money. It's to clarify your thinking, to put your stake in the ground and because it is there. See if you can keep up with Michael Sampson. I reckon it's that beautiful NZ air.
- Be friendly, be supportive. Thanks, Nelson Biagio!
- Keep Thinking. Read lots and take notes. Act upon those notes. Notice what works. Adapt. Become healthy, wealthy and wise. The Thinking Man's blog will guide you. Daily.
- Invest in you. Spend more on your brain than you do on your car. Then double that amount.
- Believe in yourself. Start now. You don't need the 31st for a new goal. You need now.