- Get up early when there is no distraction and invest 30 minutes in your own thinking. Not your employer's. Not your client's. Yours.
- Take a piece of A4 paper. Turn it landscape. In the top RH corner put today's date plus 3 years. Do a drawing of how you want things to be. Identify three actions. Work those actions, then return for more. Stick the vision picture above your personal working area.
- Read widely and build knowledge.
- Think deeply and build wisdom.
- Hang out with the best and build contacts.
- Invest 2% of your income in your personal development. Many spend more on their car than they do on their brain.
- Take breaks and get enough sleep to ensure human brain does not become subservient to reptile brain.
- Train your now fully conscious human brain to make decisions and choices wherever possible rather than just to react.
- Work hard to remove distractions wherever you are so you can give attention to what is currently important.
- In particular, wherever you are: be there. Be at work. Be playing Lego. Be enjoying the sun-rise.
- Do not label yourself (I'm not the sort of person who can speak out in meetings) in any way.
- Break down interfaces (work/life balance). Just Live your Life.
- Decide to live it long, wide and deep.
- Simplify everything so that it is clear what you have to do and what you want to do.
- Productivity is what (you have to do + want to do) and when (you will do it).
- Remember that success does not correlate particularly with qualifications nor even IQ. But it does with ooommph....
- Remember that the crowd will not always like your ideas. That does not mean they are not brilliant ideas. The crowd chases comfort; you chase challenge.
- Eventually as you chase challenge, it becomes for you: comfort.
- The comfort of growth and knowing you can overcome any challenge.
- Such as taking first steps...
- Overcoming cynicism from others...
- Building ooommmppp by walking a lot....
- Having a clear, visible, inspiring plan. In front of you.
- Don't be dumbed down.
- PullAheadOfTheCrowdNow