As he sat in the mid-town launderette ('service washes 75c/pound') watching his faithful denims circulate in suds he took another sip of iced tea and started to scribble in the cheap college notebook from the corner store next door:
Fresh Goals September to December 2010
- Do laundry every Sunday. Whatever.
- No excuses. In Laundry, in Life, in Love. Haha: he'd make those his Three Ls For The Fall.
- Write more long, real letters.
- Be happy in doing less. A lot more.
- Always work on a clear desk-top
- Today: ring and book squash lessons.
- Create reading list and aim for one book per week on the daily commute to work. Include re-reading the greats.
- Up-date my master list of stuff that I want to do beyond the stuff which has to get done.
- See even more sun-rises.
- Do 25 spider-man press-ups every day
- Put note above PC: whatever: it'll be OK.
Cool. He turned the page and started storming a reading list.
- Anything by Orwell
- ? Blair autobiography. Second-hand copy.
- Anything by Updike
- Tim Parkes...something about illness....