The back story? That's here.
- Shift 6: From one-off education to on-going investment
- For our grandparents: one education, one career.
- For our parents: on-going courses should be enough.
- For us: the emergence of the return of 'Renaissance Man'. Flexible, broad band-width and able to re-invent.
Once upon a time: a black-smith for Life. Or a bank-manager. Or a nurse. No longer. Who knows what's going to come up next? Who knows how our career might be wiped out with a chip, by a cheaper nation or the whim of society? What's to be done? Renaissance Man is back: don't get stuck down one alley-way. Don't get caught down a silo. Stay flexible, stay broad and look for opportunities.
- Go stare at some work by Leonardo da Vinci. If you are in London, UK the National Gallery has a lovely work; you can't miss it.
- Read How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci by Michael Gelb
- Visit Vinci, not at all far from the beautiful Florence/Firenze.
- Get re-acquainted with 'The Renaissance'
- Read outside your core area.
- If you are a knowledge worker, go on a course which gives you a physical skill e.g. carpentry.
- Seriously consider starting a part-time business totally outside your main area. You are an accountant? Something in the field of gardening.
- Take time out to allow ideas to knit and cross-fertilise different parts of your brain.
- Absolutely, definitely bring your language skills up to speed.
- Start.