The back-story? That's here.
- Shift 5: From 'corporate umbrella' to 'long-term hire'
- For our grandparents: the paternal employer. Training, security
and pension.
- For our parents: the disappearance of the 'job for life'. But
the pension and opportunities still exist.
- For us: we are simply-at best-on a long-term hire. We need our own plans and importantly our own funding for the future.
Let's be clear. For most of us, the best mindset is: we run our own business and we have a long-term contract with our current employer. That's it. No more and no less security than that. Employers simply cannot afford it any more. We are expensive: we want laptops and holidays and pensions and training and air-conditioning and....bonuses....and salaries.
- Don't be a commodity who can be 'chipped' nor outsourced. Be remarkable i.e. worth remarking upon. Receptionist or CEO. Be remarkable.
- Build your brand. That's what people say about you when you are not present.
- Create your own training budget. Pay for your own training.
- Always have a business book on the go. Learn, learn, learn.
- Set up a learning team: three people, 1h per month dedicated to this stuff. Share ideas, coach and cajole.
- Create your own back-up/support plan for retirement funds.
- Constantly ask: what value am I offering? What's my RoI?
- Review your CV every month. Just 10 minutes. Am I employable?
- Act as you wish to be perceived.
- Start.