15. Stand for the meeting and don't sit down until it's 100% completed.
16. Cascade and mini-team. Rather than a meeting of 22 people, have sub-meetings of maximum 4 people and send representatives to a decision-making meeting. Hence all views are gathered and yet the meeting is not slowed by the sheer 'weight' of people and discussion.
17. Close down many of your meeting rooms. Stop it being easy to have meetings.
18. Ask for a RoI assessment to be calculated at the end of the meeting. This is given to the Finance Director who reads it out at the monthly company briefing. Your meeting cost is number of people times length of meeting times average employee cost.
19. Ask of every regular meeting. How else could we be doing it? And if we do have to hold a meeting could it be done in half the time with half the people?
20. Implement 1-7 fully.
21. Implement 8-14 fully.