- Spend time with them re-focusing on what the objectives are. In particular the balance between revenue, margin, hunting and farming.
- Identify the top objections which cause problems and how to resolve them.
- Ensure everyone in the team has a bigger picture than just the numbers that they are aiming for. Bonuses do motivate but personal career goals inspire.
- Set up a matrix for 1:1 coaching.
- Start coaching everyone in the team.
- Re-build the value of the team meeting.
- Catch people doing things right and celebrate success.
- Review and learn from failures
- Use the power of the team to do some things collectively e.g. cold-calling blitz.
- Make it be known you are looking for and want to train your potential successors.
- Get out on sales calls and see what's actually happening.
- Get them to understand closing is something which happens all of the time.
- Ask each of them to start the day with a plan, listed by priority pay-off.
- Every team meeting: spend 10 minutes on core basics e.g. open vs. closed questions.
Bonus 1: Selling Without Tears (free PDF)
Bonus 2: Selling In A Recession.