« How To Write & Publish Your Book 1-30: 21 |
| Unplugged, Off the Grid »
- Have a plan. We humans like clarity;
having a plan helps achieve that. Having a plan does not mean over-working; it
simply means that which is important to you is much more likely to happen.
- Take a daily walk. Being organic,
fragile creatures we need daily restoration. A walk is perfect.
- Read something, anything inspiring at
lunch-time. Anytime is good, but often by lunch-time we need a re-focus on what
it’s all about.
- Stay human. Observe the reptiles inhabiting
the offices and shops near you. Humans have some higher attributes such as
empathy, creativity and sheer drive. Use them.
- Connect with people when in
conversation. They are not a ‘human resource’.
- Talk plenty about what is working, but
notice what isn’t and act upon it.
- Act as a leader would in any situation,
whether or not you have an appropriate title.
- Anticipate what is going to happen. You
can get remarkably good at it. Boy, does it make things easier.
- Follow-through. Having done an action,
make a diary note to follow-up.
- Get good at looking at cost and
investment not just now but longer term: it’ll change your perspective of
meetings, for example. A rubbish meeting just seems painful for 1h, but when you realise
what it is doing to the product launch, it could bring down your company.
- Forget ought and should, get real. All
kinds of things ought to get done and people should know better. But they wont.
Have a plan B. And C. Until you no longer have to work with them.
- Start drawing, sketching and writing. It’ll develop your acuity, your ability
to notice the stuff others miss which makes their life harder.
- Re-realise that not everything worthwhile
has to have a price nor cost.
- Hang out with those who are the same
path as you.
- Create a DIY MBA (whether or not you
have a 'real' MBA) and start reading.
- Get enough sleep.
- Try more days ‘unplugged’. You, brain, pencil
and paper.
- Ask more question, more explicit
questions. Ask until they hesitate: at that point you have hit the depths of their
knowledge: are you reassured. Or not?
- Zone your time. Work time. You time.
You + partner time. You + kids time. Stick to it.
- Laugh a lot. And sometimes cry a bit.
- Those thing that are really irritating
you? Don’t fix them once, fix them properly for the long-term.
- Find out how your SatNav really works.
- Notice the feed-back your body is
giving you and act. Deep fatigue isn’t just deep fatigue; it’s your body
calling for rest.
- Decide to make these the norm.
- Start now.