- Smile.
- Take notes.
- Stop & think.
- Walk tall.
- Act as you wish to be perceived.
- Recognise the intrinsic worth of every job.
- Always have a book on the go.
- Do it with passion.
- Be Outrageous101.
- Forget to remember the stuff you don’t need any more. Richard Bandler
- Help others.
- Save, then spend.
- Build your brand; you run your own company now.
- Your company is not managing your career; it’s managing its share price. You manage your career.
- Say what needs to be said at the team meeting. Just do it politely. But say it. Before the firm goes bust and nobody ever knew why.
- Why 42? Because 6 x 7 is 42 and you can achieve ANYTHING in 6 weeks of 7 days.
- Don’t try Coke Zero. Try zero cola.
- Get rid of the TV. Yes, just like that.
- Be Productive101.
- Dream as if you will love for ever. Live as if you will die today. James Dean
- Sort out your inbox.
- Ring your Mum.
- Chop wood, carry water and bake bread.
- Clear your desk.
- Notice the weather.
- Don’t take that crap any longer. Talk it through. Talk it out. Agree you can work together.
- You’re feeling lousy because something needs to change. Change it.
- Hug her.
- Be Professional101.
- Be the change you wish to see . Ghandi
- So. Mono or Stereo with the new Beatles releases? Or both? Or neither, it's all hype? Decisions, decisions!
- Real, true supportive, non-judging friends are remarkably rare. Stay in touch.
- Work through The Artist’s Way; don’t be put off by the title.
- Have extra energy not never enough. Walk, swim and take the stairs.
- Check out Lisbon. Have a custard tart and a strong coffee. Mmmm.
- Bob Dylan doesn’t care too much whether you like him or not: that’s worth remembering.
- Read Fortify Your Oasis.
- Notice the night sky. Gorgeous, inspiring and wonderous are just a few words which come to mind. Don't miss it however good Sex in the City might be.
- SolveAnyProblemYouHave101.
- Whatever you do, do it with passion. Carlos Castaneda.
- Are you ready? Born ready, Sir! Ha, love that!
- Don’t worry one iota about what you might have done differently. Worry about what you will do differently.
- Read Steve Clayton.
- There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who do not.
- So there you go. Aim to simplify as Einstein did. The whole of relativity in: E=mc2.
- Never talk negatively about someone who is not present. It wrecks the chance of a high-performance team building.
- Love her smile.
- Read El Canasto Mini.
- Be a SuperHero101.
- Talent is in choices. Robert De Niro.
- Why 42? Seven throws of a dice and you can decide anything.
- Walk the sea-shore. Especially in Fall and Winter.
- Stuff? Who needs it?
- Winning the lottery would not solve a thing. It would simply change the problem.
- Read Eclecticity.
- Hold hands and talk.
- Watch/Re-watch West Side Story. That opening track-in....
- Read Productivity Matt.
- ReInvent101.
- There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Dalai Lama.
- Unplug: take a technology-free break.
- Just a moment: did you say you couldn’t? You can do anything. It’s just that you can’t do everything.
- Somebody once said they would give their right arm to be ambidextrous like Leonardo da Vinci.
- You run your own company now. So what’s your plan?
- X marks the spot.
- Be on time. Start on time. Finish on time. Deliver on time. And people will notice you. And want you to be on their team.
- Love her.
- Read Execupundit.
- Get some QuickWins101.
- Follow Your Bliss. Joseph Campbell.
- Sharpen the pencils. Line them up. Three fresh sheets of blank paper. Start writing.
- Read Matt Rutherford.
- Just Fuc*ing Do It. Was anything ever clearer?
- Walk London. It's the only way to get to know it.
- What exciting quest are you on? A journey, an adventure? It needs to be greater than the M4 corridor, UK.
- Read Cultural Offering.
- But if you could…..what would it be?
- Read/Re-read Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
- Here’s the Answer101
- A presto.
- Visit el Prado, Madrid. Awesome. So, awesome.
- Follow Paul Schwend on Twitter.
- Given that pension plans don’t seem to work any more. And you will live until you are 102,….
- Write a 100 word story. Exactly.
- Read Material Witness
- Learn the Yoga Sun Salute and do each morning.
- Read.
- Why 42? Juggle three balls 42 times and you’ll notice progress. At last.
- Pull on your BlueJeans101.
- You are the story teller of your own Life. Isabel Allende.
- Wake up ready to go.
- Still not seen The Wire? Stop resisting.
- Read RealSmartNow.
- Now Is the perfect time.
- Why 42? It’s the number of calories in an orange.
- Stephen Covey, Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind.
- Join the library again.
- Of course you can: you just need to learn how. Who could help you?
- More travel101.
- And in the end the love you make is equal to the love you take. Lennon & McCartney
- A quiet café, off a square, in small Italian town in Chianti country late afternoon, a beautiful girl and a doppio espresso. She was thinking.