- Decide why do you want more money?
- If your current spend rate is greater than your earn rate, maybe that's an issue about managing your costs, spending and even personal expectations.
- If it's so that you can have more freedom to do 'what you really want to do' e.g. more artistic endeavours consider whether you really would want to do them 100% of the time and care with planning to 'chuck in' the day job. Consider a 'portfolio career' where the main 'money earning job' is perfectly enjoyable because it is complemented by your 'fun job'.
- And if you still need more money:
- Strategy 1. Become within the top 10% of your field. Believe in yourself. And charge what you are worth.
- Strategy 2. Charge for the value you deliver not the hours you work. You have now broken the real limit on your earnings capability.