- Her text.
- The rain.
- Fresh coffee: ground and brewed perfectly by you.
- At last, a lie-in.
- The sales plan is working.
- $50 to your favourite charity.
- Lego on the floor with your son.
- At the park with your daughter.
- The worst of films: but what the heck you held hands throughout it….
- Kick-boxing, hot shower, clean jeans, old sweatshirt.
- New author discovered: back-list of 14 novels. Yep, 14 second-hand from Amazon.
- Discovering her star-sign.
- An agent shows an iota of interest in your manuscript.
- Clear drive into work on the freeway.
- Repair bill on the car half of what you thought it would be…
- A bargain-break in Paris. It rains…and it’s OK because the bed is comfortable and the view is across The Seine. Oh, and her lingerie…
- Grand Central.
- Her smile.
- So your charcoal-on-paper sketching efforts are not at all bad!
- The smell of his jumper, which he left in your VW.
- A gig. Hard-working band, live.
- A plumber who does what they saying they are going to do. No mess, fixed. Itemised bill.
- You hadn’t seen him for 23 years and the conversation was as if you had seen him yesterday. And you were astonished to discover he….
- 23734 words on your novel. Yep, word-count is on. But you are now beating it. You drive it rather than the other way around.
- You resigned. Yep, really.
- F*ck it: there’s stuff to do and you’re the man.
- Foot prints on the beach as dawn arrives.
- Discover the perfect taste of diced ginger in hot water.
- Didn’t used to like Thai food but love it now.
- You’re getting better: really you are. More energy
- Baking bread.
- Making soup.
- Cooking ragu.
- Grating parmesan.
- Sorting jars.
- Taking photos of bikes around Oxford city.
- The den blitzed
- Her letter
- The garage sorted. The outlines on the wall for tools look like badly distorted homicide victims. But your neighbour in impressed.
- The evening class was cool; discovered how to use the features on your digital camera.
- Take photos of bikes all around Oxford, take II.
- Portraits.
- Landscapes.
- At the zoo with Zoë.
- At the park with Patrick.
- In the mountains with Monty.
- Swimming with Samantha.
- San Francisco: such a bargain flight with Virgin Airways.
- First tram in the morning with the locals. Does that driver get banana bread given to him every morning?
- Lying on your back: thinking, dreaming.
- Wham: a toddler arrives and leaps on you.
- A moment in time. Connection.
- Life is Good.
- It gets better
- Challenges?
- Sure: gets me to focus.
- Up in the morning.
- Lean and mean.
- Fighting Fit
- Bzz: a text.
- She’s OK. More than OK; she's gorgeous.
- 347 more words and no editing needed.
- Bread’s ready.
- Hot with blackberry jam picked last Autumn.
- Ridiculously good.
- The right kind of Blackberry.
- Picked, cooked and jarred.
- Not the one that jars with your humanity.
- Since you made those decisions.
- Life’s been so good.
- The career one. Out on your own…
- The relationship one. He’s the one…
- The money one. Who needs it?
- The wellness one. Profound wellness…
- The help others one. At the local school…
- And that book was an inspiration.
- Texted her back.
- 20 Euros note in his back pocket: washed and dried and crinkled. But riches.
- Charlie: we’re off for ice-cream!
- Sure anything so long as we can do it with 20 Euros.
- Yeah: the castle is cool.
- You need a hat.
- I know it’s summer, but this is England.
- Let’s run.
- Life is Good
- What about?
- What If?
- Kipling’s eternal w questions…
- Einstein’s boredom and then, then, then….
- Energy=mass times speed of light squared. Such simplicity at the far side of such complexity!
- They want you to spend.
- But you don’t have to.
- You really don’t have to do much of what they seduce you into thinking…..you are actually surprisingly free.
- Happiness is not a thing.
- It’s a decision.
- A journey.
- A friendship.
- A perspective
- Life is good
- Really good
- It starts today.