So much of what would we took to be certain: qualifications and career link; pension plans; the enemy; a long-term career: is no longer certain. Return to what is irrevocably certain: The Certainty Principles.
The back-story is here. In an Age of Uncertainty, return to what does remain timeless, certain and within our control:
- Invest: in your brain. Many spend more on their car than they do on their brain;
- Read: deeply and widely;
- Discuss: especially with people who disagree; work hard to understand (not necessarily to agree nor support) their viewpoint;
- Develop: your attention; the dying art of prolonged attention to develop deep understanding;
- Develop your creativity: through alternate deep immersion in a subject and then data deprivation to let the ideas incubate and develop;
- And hence develop your intuition; the ability to just know.