01. Ignore the good advice of others.
02. Follow your passion.
03. Work very hard. Very hard indeed.
04. Think a lot.
05. Ignore apparent failures; that's just the path.
Really, ignore the good advice of others.
Really, truly follow your passion.
2. Everyone is a
genius at least once a year. The real geniuses have their bright ideas closer
together. George C Lichtenberg.
Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for
patience. George-Louis de
4. ‘Ignore the good advice of others’. (step 1)
5. Because; stage 1: they tend to laugh. An iPod where
you can’t actually choose which track you want?
6. Because; stage 2: they ridicule/attack. Death for
suggesting the Earth goes around the Sun.
7. Because; stage 3: they accept and recognise the
brilliance. Being nice to customers gets them coming back. Cool. Very cool. Good
idea. Let’s do more of that. Well done.
8. It won’t be easy.
9. But it can be fun and you will learn a lot and become
an even better version of you.
10. Allowing you to be different101 and have more
11. When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign,
that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
Jonathan Swift
(who may well have been a genius himself).
12. ‘Follow your passion’.
(step 2)
13. No other strategy is sustainable.
14. What do you really believe in?
15. Your art? Your shop? Your new software? Your ability
to inspire children?
16. Money has limited effect.
17. A company fast car has limited effect.
18. Being you, really you.
19. That’s the motivator.
20. That’s the buzz.
21. You’re the artist; whether that’s the accountant, the
writer101 or salesperson or police officer. It has to be done101.
22. Release the genius within.
23. They said it couldn’t be done. At school. Maybe your
dad. Perhaps your first boss.
24. Stuff them: seek encouragers. People who recognise
your potential.
25. And encourage others: catch them doing things right.
26. ‘Work very hard. Very hard indeed’.
(step 3)
27. But not at any old thing
28. Not at Math, necessarily (unless that’s your passion).
29. But at your passion.
30. Because then you pull ahead, you become really good.
31. You become a genius.
32. Gladwell and others reckon 10000h of hard work. Read
it in Outliers.
33. Was Thomas Edison a genius?
34. How To Think Like Thomas Edison
01. 10% perspiration
02. 23% perspiration
03. 5% perspiration
04. 44% perspiration
05. 1% inspiration
06. 17% perspiration
07. The Light Bulb!
35. ‘Think a
(step 4)
36. Walk more, so you can think
37. Get stuff sorted so you can think.
38. Meditate to access deeper thinking.
39. Bonus: Creativity101
40. How To Think Like a Philosopher
01. Possibly
02. Cogito, ergo sum.
03. Depends what you mean by reality.
04. Let's try a thought experiment; imagine a cat in a
05. Not according to Hume. Of course I have my own views.
06. Ahhh! You just know do you!?
07. Time for a cup of Earl Grey tea I feel.
41. ‘Ignore apparent failures; that's just the path’.(step
42. No failure, only feedback
43. Young children fall off their bikes and get back on
44. You can do exactly the same: it’s just learning.
45. No one is perfect, first off.
’Really, ignore the good advice of others’.
(step 6)
47. They mean well, but they want you to be like them:
living Life long.
48. Too bad. You want to live it wide and deep, too.
49. Don’t judge them; ask them not to judge you.
’Really, truly follow your passion’.
51. Honestly, you don’t know what it is?
52. Honestly you’re not sure you really have one?
53. You do: it’s just been temporarily trampled..
54. Give it time.
55. Maybe it’s what you do now. Or something totally
different. Or being a lumber-jack. Or the new Michael Connelly or Steven King.
56. Relaxation is an aspect of encouraging genius.
57. Relax101
58. Coffee is good
for talent, but genius wants prayer. Ralph Waldo Emerson.
59. Starbucks101
60. Laughter is good for encouraging genius.
61. My brain: it’s
my second favourite organ. Woody Allen.
62. Was Jackson Pollack a genius?
63. How To Think Like Jackson Pollack
01. splosh
02. anguish
03. splash
04. despair
05. wide brush stroke
06. rage
07. Art
64. A man of genius is unbearable, unless he possesses at least two things
besides: gratitude and purity. Nietzsche
65. Was Leonard da Vinci a genius?
66. A genius is one who can do anything apart from making a living. Joey Adams
67. How to Think Like Leonard da Vinci
01. Think big. Lie on your back and observe the heavens
02. Think small. Sketch the pebble on the beach. The ant
on the door.
03. Think wide. Not art, not science, but both.
04. Think long. What is my impact, what is my legacy
05. Think with doubt. The Last Supper.
06. Think without doubt. Mona Lisa
07. Think.
68. Was Henry Ford a genius?
69. How to Think like Henry Ford
01. Efficiency
02. Efficiency
03. Efficiency
04. Efficiency
05. Efficiency
06. Efficiency
07. Black
70. Is Richard Branson a genius?
71. How To Think like Richard Branson.
01. Have fun. What's the point if you are not?
02. Establish David and Goliath scenarios which
people love e.g. with BA, with Cola. People love a good story especially
where the 'little guy' takes on the big corporation.
03. Skim
markets, sell and move on. Classic marketing strategy. The key is to be bold
and get out.
04. Think sexy. Think red. Oh and did I mention: have fun. Something about a peak
05. Be comfortable with you: wearing a jumper is
fine. Be the best version of you. Not a poor copy of someone else.
06. Stay young. And hence be agile and creative.
07. Screw it, let's do it. Yep. JFDI!
72. Was Isaac Newton a genius?
73. How to Think like Isaac Newton
01. Good to be out of London. Nasty, plague-ridden place.
02. Back to my observations.
03. Further observations, preferably in Latin.
04. Let's get some peace and quiet in the orchard.
05. Further deep observation and meditation under a tree.
06. Ouch! What was that?
07. Ahhh...I think I have discovered gravity.
74. Is Steve Jobs a genius?
75. How To Think Like Steve Jobs.
01. The past is history; you can design the future. Whatever happens (and here are the seven stages of Steve so far), you can’t change the past. Learn from it, move on and make the
future even better.
02. Design, no aesthetics is the new differentiator. People are busy, people are hassled. They want ease,
simplicity and-let’s say it-beauty from their products. Whether it’s a solid product
(iPhone) or a service.
03. Communicate; don’t PowerPoint. The latter is not
effective: the evidence is
there. Catch up on some of Steve’s presentations on YouTube.
04. Excellence is a mantra; not a bullet on a slide. You have to be it before you can do it
before you can have it.
05. Be passionate and believe; eventually the market will
get it. Whether you are Steve Jobs or The Beatles
or the new Volvo, the best lead their audience.
06. Innovation is a way of life. How old is the iPod; how many improvements to date?
07. Be grateful.
76. Marketing101
77. Was Albert Einstein a genius?
78. How To Think like Albert Einstein.
01. School is dull.
02. This is boring.
03. Need a job.
04. Patent clerk?
05. This is dull, too.
06. Energy=mass x speed of light squared; gravity bends
light; etc.
07. This is more like it.
79. It’s not that I am smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.
80. Were the Beatles geniuses?
81. How to Think like a Beatle.
01. Decide to be 'toppermost of the poppermost'. Have a clear engaging goal.
02. Put the work in. Hamburg or similar will get the skills truly 'wired-in'.
03. Lead don't follow. Sh*t, you've done enough Love songs now.
04. Develop your brand: wit, suits, hair-cuts. Whatever it takes.
05. Be different. Not just singers. Not just songwriters. But both.
06. Let necessity stretch you. Not enough songs?: write our own.
07. Stop at the top and re-invent.
82. Beatles101
83. Every man of
genius is considerably helped by being dead. Robert Lynd.
84. Give it a go.
85. A man of genius is unbearable, unless he possesses at least two things
besides: gratitude and purity. Nietzsche
86. What’s your area of genius?
87. Were the teams behind the Wire or Mad Men
88. The reason we have so few geniuses is that people do not have faith in
what they know to be true. Kevin Solway
89. It won’t be easy.
90. But it’ll be fun.
91. Mediocrity is self-inflicted. Genius is self-bestowed. Walter Russell
92. A genius is a person who successfully applies a previously
unknown technique in the production of a work of art, science or calculation,
or who masters and personalizes a known technique. Wikipedia.
93. You could do that.
94. G-E-N-I-U-S
95. Go
96. Explore;
97. Now
98. Implement:
99. Using
100. Simplicity
101. G-E-N-I-U-S.