Gym: correct technique.
Choosing a present: re-play
recent conversations you have had with them for an inspiration.
Starbucks drinks: short, two-shot for the perfect ratio.
Recession proofing your business: prove you are
an investment not a cost.
Cooking: get all the basics such as black pepper-corns, to hand.
Personal Energy: use your body to
get it used to providing energy for you.
Reducing fuel bills: wear a jumper.
8. Wondering what Life is all about: stare at the night sky.
9. Needing inspiration:read the Apollo 8 moon mission.
10. Get out of bed on time, promptly: use the alarm on your iPod
11. Getting fewer e-mails: send fewer, far fewer.
12. Protecting your job: become indispensable.
13. Worrying less: help others.
14. Discovering a new author: amazon.com/co.uk recommendations.
15. Getting actions out of people: state the action you want.
15 Quick Wins 1
15 Quick Wins 2