The Beatles never made it easy for their listeners and fans. That wasn’t their purpose in Life. They hadn’t identified a ‘target market’ which needed ‘a product’. True artists, they played what stimulated their brains, what arrived at their finger-tips , took them (and us) to places we’d never been before and what was sheer fun to do. Along the way they cajoled engineers, producers and whole orchestras to never accept ‘it ain’t possible’, to take risks and – for goodness sake – just lighten up, will ya? Just when we were getting used to enjoying their tales of endless love in tracks such as Love Me Do, we were taken on a roller-coaster ride of being amazed at epic tales in tracks such as Eleanor Rigby, caused to be curious of the social commentary in material such as She’s Leaving Home, encouraged to listen carefully to euphemistically challenging (for the time) material in Baby Drive My Car and spell-bound by tracks we weren’t sure what to make of such as Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds before being pulled into story within a story material such as Sergeant Pepper. And after the initial jolt of listening to the new album and wondering if they had gone too far this time, we – invariably - fell in love. With The Beatles. All Over Again. One More Time John, Paul, George and Ringo.
That’s another reason we love the Beatles.