Rock 'n Roll. Serious rock 'n roll. The Beatles gave us plenty of it and they were good at it. Pick up iPod. Select Beatles, Track Revolution. Play loud. Now, don't you feel better? That distortion at the start certainly wakes you up (and concerned early purchasers that their personal 45RPM vinyl version had scratches on it). Revolution is one of the rarer Beatle songs where different versions are in clear public domain and don't need to be hunted down on bootleg or somehere on an Anthology disc. The lively, electric version most of us know is the B-side to the A-side of Hey Jude. There is a different version on the White Album. The Beatles were getting to a stage in their career where not all the loose ends were being tied up as had been in the 'micro-manged' early part of their career (sorry, John: we can't tell anyone you are married, just yet).
It's another reason we love The Beatles.