1. Chaos?
2. Entropy?
3. Irresponsibility?
4. The Government?
5. Where’s my money?
6. Large Corporations?
7. Procrastination?
8. Delay!
9. Too much talking?
10. The Back Swan Effect?
11. Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. Charles M. Schulz
12. It’s back to you and me.
13. Hunker down.
14. You’re the new expert in your Life.
15. You’re the new leader in your Life.
16. We all needed this not-so-gentle reminder.
17. So: get a plan.
18. So: enough is enough.
19. 26 days; 26 thinking sessions; 26 changes.
20. Bring it on!
21. Act
22. Act as you wish to be perceived. Don’t wait for permission; what do they know? Want to be a Director? Dress like a Director. Talk like a Director. Be as decisive as a Director. A Model? Walk like a Model. Hustle like a Model. A Writer? Read like a Writer. Write like a Writer. Never give up like a Writer. You get the idea.
23. Bonus Help 1: Productivity101
24. Believe
25. Believe in yourself. Few others will, sadly. Few enough will encourage. Too many will give reasons why not: journalism, your start-up, him, her, medical school. Stuff them. Stuff them all. You believe in you. And interestingly others will begin to believe in your belief. It’ll become self-fulfilling.
26. Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. Soren Kierkegaard
27. Chase and Cherish
28. Chase and cherish your dreams. Dust them off. The start-up. The cottage in Dorset. Fluent in Italian. Dreams give us energy, dreams get us up in the morning. Dreams give us purpose and direction. Dreams-I reckon-are Life’s arrow. Something to think about, huh?
29. Bonus Help 2: Creativity101
30. Decide
31. Decide to be brilliant. You are 90% there, now. 90% already. You just need to fully commit. That extra bit will make all the difference. And interestingly, that extra bit makes a disproportionate difference: it’s amazing what it can do for you. To pull ahead, to maybe be in the top 10%. You could make that decision in the next second. It’s just a bit of fear stopping you. Fear that you are not up to it, that it’ll go wrong, that someone will laugh. No: you will just be unstoppable. Decide.
32. Explore
33. Explore. Just explore. Planet Earth. Wow. The Spanish language. Risotto. Sex. Films. Literature. Deserted islands. Love. People. Cafes in the Old Quarter. Plasticine. Singapore. Reasons to be cheerful. Be curious: explore.
34. Fear only fear.
35. Fear only Fear. There’s a lot of it about at the moment. Understandably. Apparent control is slipping away. It’s just an evolutionary moderator. It’s just to say: hey there’s no need to walk down that dark alleyway. But it was never intended to dissuade you from being the best version of you. Notice it. Feel lt. Do it anyway. (Susan Jeffers said: feel the fear and do it anyway. Smart lady.)
36. Get on with it.
37. Stop talking: take action. Hey-no more melodrama, okay? No more reasons why it won’t work, can’t work. Just get on with it. Try something new. Try more energy. Try something different: try it in red. Try it with a smile. Try it without notes. Just try it. It’ll work. Persist.
38. Hear.
39. Listen: really hear what is said to you. Don’t assume nor project. Don’t label nor judge. Hear.
40. Bonus Help 3 Freedom101
41. Inch
42. Inch by inch (Euro version: 2.54 cm by 2.54 cm), you will get what you want. Steady as she goes. Learning as you progress. Handle the question awkwardly: do it better next time. No failure only feed-back. Love the dip and love the plateau (George Leonard). Drop the balls and pick them up again.
43. Bonus Help 4: PersonalCompass101
44. Jump.
45. Just a little higher than everybody else and get stunning results. It’s not a linear one-to-one relationship with this jumping. Just a little higher gets you disproportionately better results. Good simply isn’t good enough anymore. Decide to be excellent.
46. Kiss her or him.
47. Choose the right person. Choose the time. Choose the place. You really don’t need much to be happy. Magic.
48. Love.
49. Love. More. Everyday. ‘Nuff said.
50. Money.
51. It’s your measure not your motivator. Money as a motivator is not sustainable. Do what you love; love what you do. Find the intrinsic worth in anything that you do.
52. Niche.
53. Niche. Or get big or get out. Be distinct or extinct. Don’t be a commodity. Nor a product. Nor a service. Not just a brand: an experience.
54. Overview.
55. Check the landscape. There is stuff hiding out there in the long grass. There really is: recent events have reminded us how true this is. Not all of it is pleasant. Some of it bites. Some of it snipes behind your back. There are pot-holes and some suck-you-down bog. So: regularly take a forward view. Get out of the 4-by-4 and do a recce. Take a spade and a bottle of water and a sun-hat. Come back feeling better prepared. You’ll not regret it. Overview the terrain.
56. Bonus Help 5: Wellness101
57. Persuade
58. Persuade through your passion. Hang on to what people most crave in tricky times: enthusiasm, encouragement and hope. People love you for it. Do it with passion or pack it in.
59. Question
60. Question every damn assumption. Who says? Question. According to whom? Better than what? What would happen if we did? Who exactly is ‘they’? I know it didn’t work last time. But what if it worked this time? What if we could get her to listen this time? Ask. Persist. Ask. Persist. Question.
61. Read.
62. Read and read more. It’s the cheapest form of rapid knowledge. Become your own expert. Add to that, audio books. Podcasts. Blogs. It’s easy to invest in yourself at very low cost. Read.
63. Sorry.
64. Say sorry: it’s not a sign of weakness. The ability to express oneself truly to another person: to admire them, catch them doing something right. To apologise. You don’t weaken yourself: you become stronger. Be happy to say sorry when you get it wrong.
65. Try
66. Try new stuff. Writing. Painting. Presenting unplugged. Building relationships rather than controlling them. Try new stuff. Try more new stuff. Swing your business a different way. Get your kids to realise there is another route to the career they want.Try.
67. Bonus 6: TTD101
68. Understand
69. Understand others. They are so different to you. And that’s OK. Sex, race, age, culture. What the heck: deep down we’re all amazingly human. Be curious and willing to learn from difference. Understand.
70. Value
71. Value your skills. You are unique; you simply need to ensure you are the best version of you. Work particularly on your soft skills: leadership, relationship building and team-work. Value yourself.
72. Wise up.
73. It really is up to you in the New World of Work. Feed the horses. Build the Ranch. Sew the seed. Harvest the crops. Read to the kids. Effort in: results out. More than ever. Similar challenges to your Grandfather-all over again.Cool.
74. X-Ray Mind.
75. You notice the details others miss. The possibilities. The correct wording for the advertisement. The right tone to use in the presentation. You got their names. You have an X-ray mind.
76. Young.
77. It’s a state of mind, not a birth-certificate. There’s chronological age (as indicated by your birth certificate): you can’t do much about that. There’s biological age as indicated by blood pressure and skin elasticity etc. That’s a lot under your control. And there’s psychological age: how young you act and feel; that’s 100% under your control. Re-gain it, now.
78. Zzz.
79. Sleep well. Every night: your dreams are happening.
80. Bonus 7: Relax101
81. Thank goodness: you’re in charge again, now.
82. It's your Life: no one’s going to mess with it.
83. It ain’t easy. Bob Dylan
84. Think differently
85. Think
86 Man is tormented by no greater anxiety than to find someone quickly to whom he can hand over that great gift of freedom with which the ill-fated creature is born. Fyodor Dostoevsky.
87. Act differently
88. Act
89. Today would be a good day
90. If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep. Dale Carnegie
91. Love life: long, wide deep.
92. Got your BlueJeans101 on? Of course? Shades? Claro, senor!
93. Put on some music. Play it loud. The Commitments maybe .
94. In case you're worried about what's going to become of the younger generation, it's going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation.Roger Allen
95. Let’s rock ‘n roll.
96. Just nobody ain’t messin’ with you.
97. Don't worry about a thing,
'cause every little thing gonna be all right. Bob Marley
98. If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying? Shantideva.
99. It really is going to be OK.
100. Time for a walk, some gardening. Cooking a meal. Get grounded. Switch off CNN for a few hours. Chop wood; carry water.
101. Wow: Life! You got it.