1. Go wild for the new range of red moleskines. And patent leather, too. Don't strecth the brand too far, guys. Please! You know it will end in tears...
2. New ChangeThis.Com manifestos are out. This one from John Kotter is great: the essence of his new book.
3. At long last, a shift in productivity from just 'executing stuff' to thinking what it's really about. Here's a blogger who's really making the change.
4. Matt's been on the case for some time.
5. Here's a serious book launch from Tim Sanders.
6. Meanwhile my Instant MBA is fully shipping. Thanks to all of you who pre-ordered it.
7. Finally read How Starbucks Saved My Life on the flight back from LA. A lot of reviewers have given it a hard time, but in essence it's a light read with an up-lifting message and buried within its pages are plenty of good reminders for us. One key one of course is how in the 'mentally active' world in which many of us live, physical labour can be very grounding and in fact essential for our sanity.
8. Love the pink shoed bride.