1. Smile.
2. Thank him/her/them.
3. Have a pen. That works.
4. Take essential notes.
5. Be on time.
6. Be loyal.
7. Take ownership.
8. Don’t wait for the job title, car or salary. Lead.
9. Park in the correct place.
10. Be an encourager.
11. Drink more water.
12. Take the stairs. Even to floor 5.
13. Get some socks without holes in them.
14. Have a lot more fun.
15. Sit in the cool and still of a church. Think.
16. Read.
17. Hug more.
18. Be there.
19. Notice the architecture.
20. Cross the road with care.
21. Eat together as a family.
22. Switch off your phone.
23. Switch off the TV.
24. Switch off for a while.
25. Skip on the deck/on the patio/in the back-yard for rapid CV.
26. Listen.
27. Listen to more music.
28. Up-date your play-lists.
29. Have even more fun.
30. Re-cycle even more.
31. Carry a note-book. Use it.
32. Read the best blogs. Start here: Michael Wade; Cultural Offering; Michael Sampson; Matt; Steve Clayton; RealSmartNow; Breaking Murphy's Law; Eclectipundit.
33. Go to your kid’s parents evening.
34. Eat healthily.
35. Be enthusiastic.
36. Create a list of dreams.
37. Be willing to ask for help.
38. Play with the kids.
39. Break patterns: why do you do that? Really. Why do you do that?
40. Be more abundant: karma will do the rest.
41. Witness your own behaviour.
42. Write.
43. Clear your financial debt.
44. Clear your sleep debt.
45. Smell the Roses.
46. Check out the audio tour at Ellis Island, New York.
47. Start.
48. Do absolutely nothing.
49. Start.
50. Kick the snow (gently) in St Petersburg Square.
51. Finish.
52. Draw. Anything.
53. Finish.
54. Meditate.
55. Laugh.
56. Laugh more.
57. Complement. As I once again removed my trainers going through airport security, the lady turned to me and said: I like your socks.
58. Zone: your time. Family time. You+partner time. Book it.
59. Boundaries. No to e-mail.
60. Rules. It's the week-end. Period.
61. Big rocks? What's important? Make it so!
62. Ring your mum.
63. See the Mona Lisa for real.
64. Oh, and the Magna Carta.
65. And of course the Rosetta Stone.
66. Listen to Revolver by The Beatles in album structure. Maybe you’ll be amazed.
67. Live wide.
68. Live deep.
69. Live long.
70. Judge less.
71. Remember it’ll be OK.
72. Shock them at work: go in smart.
73. Shock them at work: go in casual.
74. Ask him out.
75. Tell her: enough is enough.
76. Watch Lost in Translation.
77. Clean the kitchen.
78. Encourage.
79. Really encourage.
80. Chat to the children.
81. Read to the children.
82. Be interested.
83. Be interesting.
84. Change your bank.
85. Apologise.
86. Look at it a different way.
87. Tidy the desk. In and out.
88. Hike.
89. Bake brownies: they are SO good, fresh and home-made.
90. Reflect.
91. Observe the night sky: check out the constellations again. You last did it at age 9.
92. Drop her a card expressing your love.
93. Return those books to the library.
94. Watch Mad Men.
95. Plan a sabbatical. Over-come every single problem to taking one.
96. Start swimming again.
97. Read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
98. Overcome every single damn issue that's stopping you.
99. Make it happen.
100. Start.
101. Start today, now. Vamos!