0 eye contact because of the agent's dark glasses;
1 sentence is all it takes to start your book;
2 words: Tropic Thunder causing consternation;
3 points to Triangle Frame in De Bono's new book: Frames of Thinking
4 for stability: table legs, car wheels, business strategies (plan A-good times; plan B-recession times; plan C-re-invent times; plan D-get out times);
5 ways with fresh eggs: fried, scrambled, poached, boiled and omelette;
6 results on the Fitness Dice Demon: 1=swim 10 lengths; 2=25 star jumps; 3=very brisk 45 minute walk; 4=20 minutes circuit training; 5=5 minutes skipping; 6=90 minute cycle ride;
7 is the next series of 24; Jack we need you.