1. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun. Mary Lou Cook
2. Creativity gave us fire,
3. The wheel,
4. The Frappucino,
5. A postal service and
6. Anaesthetic.
7. What boosts creativity?
8. Humour certainly helps
9. Q: How many Californians does it take to change a light bulb? A: Six. One to insert the bulb, one for support, and four to relate to the experience.
10. Great blogs help: such as Eclecticity and
11. this one, too.
12. Beliefs certainly help…
13. ...I can be creative
14. ...I am creative
15. ...no failure only feedback...
16. ...22 rejections..that’s nothing..!
17. ...love the dip...love the plateau...
18. ..I am not worried about what people think...
19. Persistence helps: How to Think Like Thomas Edison
1. 10% perspiration
2. 23% perspiration
3. 5% perspiration
4. 44% perspiration
5. 1% inspiration
6. 17% perspiration
7. The Light Bulb!
20. How to Get Others To Be Creative
21. Reward thinking creatively.
22. Care with criticising mistakes.
23. It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced the stunning and unexpected findings of science. Carl Sagan
24. Relaxation certainly helps..
25. ..check out Relax101 and
remembering how much Freedom101we actually have.
26. Techniques certainly help
27. Think outside the box..
28. Try the 9-dot problem.
29. Use Edward de Bono’s PO
30. And his cool hats:
31. White hat: what are the facts?
32. Black hat: let’s be logical and negative.
33. Red hat: let’s be emotional!
34. Green hat: let’s look for fresh radical ideas.
35. Yellow hat: let's be logical and positive.
36. Blue hat: we need an overview of process.
37. One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries AA Milne
38. Creativity also gave us a man on the moon
39. Yellow stickies
40. The lawn-mower
41. The Beatles (you might like Beatles101)
42. Ice-cream
43. And an understanding of DNA
44. The key question isn't "What fosters creativity?" But it is why in God's name isn't everyone creative? Where was the human potential lost? How was it crippled? I think therefore a good question might be not why do people create? But why do people not create or innovate? We have got to abandon that sense of amazement in the face of creativity, as if it were a miracle if anybody created anything. Abraham Maslow
45. Certainly a laugh really does help..
46. Q: How many Psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Just one, but the bulb has got to really, really WANT to change.
47. Q: How many Software guys does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. It's a hardware problem. Obvious.
48. Q: How many `Real Men' does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. `Real Men' simply aren't afraid of the dark.
49. Q: How many Zen Masters does it take to change a light bulb? A: None. A real Zen Masters has their own source of light.
50. Q: How many boring people does it take to change a light bulb? A: Er..one. Sorry.
51. Q: How many mathematicians does it take to change a light bulb? A: One. He/she gives it to six Californians, thereby reducing the problem to an earlier joke...
52. All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. Pablo Picasso
53. Hard-work will boost creativity.
54. Do it.
55. Try it.
56. Research it.
57. Write it.
58. Talk it.
59. Peanut-butter sandwich it.
60. White-board it.
61. Model it.
62. Paint it
63. Model it again but in plastic this time.
64. Wind-tunnel it.
65. Cat-walk it.
66. You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created. Einstein
67. Pattern-breaking certainly can help productivity
68. Take a trip around the museum or
69. A walk.
70. A long-or even a short-shower can help.
71. Talking-especially to someone who knows nothing about the problem-is marvellous
72. Play darts. Yep!
73. Pick a book at random. A page at random. Then paragraph two. Line 4. The next stage is there. Don’t ridicule. Don’t nod wisely: do it.
74. Go to the library today.
75. Come back tomorrow.
76. Have a cup of tea. Earl Grey would do nicely.
77. Throw a dice 1=more, 2=less, 3=in red, 4=stop the project, 5=the Star Wars theme, 6=OK, let's do it!
78. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong, than to be always right by having no ideas at all. Edward De Bono
79. Innovation=creativity+action. How to be innovative:
80. Step 1: DATA
Technique (T): Data gathering: use of white and blue hats. Possible mini-teaming (3=perfect).
Mindset (M): Preparation is essential, despite this being about ‘creativity’. There is discipline to creativity!
81. Step 2: FLOW
T: ‘Brain-storming’; green/red/yellow/black hats plus ‘po’.
M: Open, no judgement/what if?/break pattern.
82. Step 3: INCUBATE
T: Data deprivation.
M: There are great ideas ‘in here’: allow them time.
83. Step 4: BUY-IN
T: Presenting=words+wow
M: I need to overcome natural resistance and test my own thinking and prejudices.
T: PM methodologies especially Critical Path.
M: PM is not dull; PM is delivery.
85. Step 6: DELIVER
T: Celebrate success/learn.
M: No failure; only feed-back. Love the plateau, love the dip.
86. Be creative.
87. Why is Creativity Important?
88. Critical reason 1: it's a business differentiator generator
89. Critical reason 2: it's a key aspect of the entrepreneur
90. Critical reason 3: it's inherently human to grow, stretch, have fun...
91. Be creative
92. Be alive
93. Love creativity
94. Love Life
96. “someone is creative when they come up with a solution that the majority of people have missed or even rejected with possible benefits for an organisation” wikipedia.
97. Be creative
98. Be alive
99. Love creativity
100. Be really alive.
101. Love Life.